Hot Lap Challenge HLC round 7: wnb V8 SUPERCARS 15.11.2016, 12.00 (noon) CET


From my experience in DRC, it is better to abide the rules and don’t mess around too much with them. The one bellow was introduced in DRC after I submitted a RR city car with the engine so big that the pulley was sticking out of the real panel a few centimeters. So I put a cut-out grille there and called it a feature (clear plexiglass).

[quote=“Darkshine5, post:1, topic:17704”]
If you wish to use a “Clear glass/plexiglass” bonnet by using a grill
cutout please be intercooler piping is BELOW the bonnet line and not

I tried all types of round headlights but the ones that actually sat behind the grille, blended like crap with it. So in the end I opted for this ones.

@07CobaltGirl holy shit you’re back! I thought work had swallowed you up or something.

So we’re doing 110mm/95mm blocks now?

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It certainly appears to be so.

well you could make a charger grill using the pop up head light vents. I am not that picky the rule is there so that we can write up blogs without the cars looking half arsed. If something as far as aesthetics is concerning any body just ask myself for more info. Basically I want cars not shells, and I will not stifle peoples design choices. A grill that would clearly suggest that there are lights behind it would be fine.

And thats it rules are FINAL

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Now where’s that dislike button…

For me was just a matter of increasing the engine size, adjusting cooling accordingly, and a small alteration in the final drive in order to profit from the increased power. I do not feel the need for an extra day.

Hello, oil refinery!

So, I’m not convinced I can do a lot with this much badonkadonk in the trunk… and I’ve got considerable room to move on the competitiveness despite having an affordability of 18%. Do I keep going further?


Can I join the competition?

No need to ask, just make a car conforming to the rules, and send it to DS5.

Thanks :slight_smile: I am starting my work on the car


omelette du fromage

shhhh vous pouvez offenser Auxuras

And remember everybody this is an Open Beta challenge

@strop just some numbers from my vehicle…not yet tuned for comp

C’mon Buddy you can do it you should smash it

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Ok, the CMT Buccaneer is now submitted and confirmed to take part in the competition as I do not think there will be any problem with the authorisation.

That car is a true muscle car, an overpowered shitbox with enormous consumption, chrome and wheelspin.
As that car is the race variant, it offers few comfort but comes with a standard radio which is actually needless as the giant V8 plays the music. Looking at some track scores already posted by the competitors, I must admit that ironic car is not a candidate for the victory, but on the other hand I wouldn’t underestimate it.

Mate, I’ve got so much room to move it hurts and I’m already pushing tech pools of over 6-8 in most areas. This ain’t a muscle car anymore, it’s a hypercar dressed up as a muscle car :joy:

Aussi, je croyais que l’Auxaras ressemble le Citroen. Actuellement j’ai dit ça depuis, pres de, uh, l’année dernière? Mais seulement un peu. C’est plus similaire à l’Honda, naturellement!

God my French is rusty


lol I did say are hot lap cars and not road going vehicles lol. And don’t forget its the averaged time of the 3 tracks.

oui oui , indéfinissablement la Citroën du monde Automation. Cependant est très probablement beaucoup plus fiable que l’exemple de la vie réelle. Idée pour un autre tour … voitures Légion étrangère française Ville !!!

Attention ne pas faire tourner le moteur tout en présence d’ enfants en bas âge ou des oiseaux
Warning do not run engine while in the presence of small children or birds

Now I promise no more French

Even then I would not do without decent interior and radio. You know, those races are very exhausting for the driver. A hint of comfort is indispesable in my car. And I think it is actually something impressive that the car that races there is something road-legal and everyday-usable you can get at your local CMT dealership.

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Edit: depending on how many people would like to compete in this first round I may raise the limit of competitors from 10 to 15.

So far we have5 total engines
4 441ci engines, 1 392ci
2x3valve SOHC
1x OHV
1x 2valve DOHC

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@strop, @Darkshine5 if I withdraw my most with de DS5 will you promise to stop speaking in French. I studied that stuff for 10 years but with no luck. I can barely understand what you are saying, let alone engage in this little charade.

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anybody else getting 6.2 US mpg?