Legrand Autowork

With some slight help from “tolerant” measuring methods.

Yes, but still 215hp from a 4-litre isn’t a complete overkill, even with pushrods. It is meant to be a performance engine.

I was just referring to the fact that the engine year was 2015 ingame.

I understand why you did it, as the current pushrod stuff ingame is not always satisfactory and near enough to real examples.

but it is actually pretty good in the 1950s. (just not so much beyond that)

(Trivia you probably knew: The first engine to reach 1hp/ci was the Chrysler 354ci hemi with 355hp in 1956 (due to the HEMI head), followed by Chevy in 57 with their 283ci producing 283hp (through the use of mechanical fuel injection))

I only know that trivia because I’ve recently read about tri-five Chevys on some blog I follow and Chrysler was mentioned there :slight_smile: And I completely didn’t notice the engine year.

yeah its kinda like a glitch BTW

I did the whole engine in 1957 year but games is being kinda naughty to me and idk why id does make engine year 2015 and i am sure its engine from 1957.

engine is 244ci btw

244ci, might have to compare that to my 242ci V8 from the same era for fun.

any chance you would like to post a screen shot of the final engine tab?

I know this is an old comment, but wow, really? Amazing, especially if before 1970 or so.

Before 1970 is good. The Kharkiv V-2 was introduced in 1939 and the same basic design is still in use by the modern day T-90.

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Now that’s impressive, IMHO. Gotta wonder when we Americans finally caught up to the Russians(at least where tank engines are concerned-although I do know SOHC and even a few DOHC aircraft engines were being made at this time)…time for some research! :sunglasses:

You should really work on drivability.
In my point of view, you should be able to hit at least 30 on all the models.

umm for tank engines and stuff u can use Tankopedia or just classy wiki

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wow this post was quite inactive sadly i dont have patience to make logos for my company.

of course