Paris Motor Show 2016 [Automation Edition]

@Sillyworld It’s beautiful. I love it. It’s so bonkers. I may even have to nick some of your design features, it just screams insanity.

Also thanks for the little hint of my display :wink:


Everyone start to claim the fastest (insert) car after Saminda did to the C2000R :yum:

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Not really. My hypercar is not related or influenced by Saminda in the least, mainly Dimension and Hypera. KHT is still out of my league.

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Hey, KHT out od your league, but Hypera in? These are quite close levels… (Dimension too)

If your hyper car is influence by Saminda … you might end up buliding a lawn mower


Not in terms of performance but actual building. Don’t be offended, I don’t mean that you are inferior to squidhead but it is hard for me to build stuff to his level using his style.

@szafirowy01 I’m just not very good with N/A

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The Eau Rouge is turbo tho… Very lightly turbo charged however 10 psi.

The beauty of that car is the overall balance of everything and light weight. Thus it has a near 1:1 power to weight ratio with barely over 1000 hp.


In terms of laptimes - yes they are. What fascinates me is the different approaches every manufacturer has taken to get there.

Did not want to go faster than KHT/GG Diabolica. That thing did a 6:36 in january 16 which I based my final result with Eau on… I’ve ran Diabolica in the current version and… well I managed to forget the speed of the thing. Even with sports interior at 0, and a stereo got a 6:31 as a result so I might have pulled my punch a bit too much :slight_smile:

VRI. Why do you design the ugliest cars of Automation? :mindblowing:

what? also i’m pretty sure i’m just as bad if not worse…


And here, the ultimate luxury sedan.

Do you want comfort? do you get them.

Do you want sportive sensations at the rear seat (or driving)? Do you get them.

Do you have min. 100.000€? You can buy them.

And this is… the new Montes Excelsior.

The chassis design is the same as the old gen, but instead of glued-aluminium it features carbon fiber. The body is made in aluminium.

And it features new engines:

-3.8 Straight 6 turbo.
-7.3 V12 (NA and biturbo available).
-7.5 and 5.5 Biturbo v12 (built and designed by MRP).

And coming soon, more engines, and photos.


Click Here for Full Details


Reinforcing Maesima’s reveal of the MRZ-3, KHT has revealed the performance pack to the ST-Z trim, called ST-ZR by KHT. Bringing in more attention was the new MRZ-3’s time attack version produced by KHT, which will not be sold. Instead the 550hp version will be used in time attack events to promote KHT’s aftermarket division.

Info found here - Click


Sees the MRZ-3

Looks at the stats of the MRZ-3

Sees KHT have tuned the MRZ-3

Sees the Time Attack version

I’m gonna have to step up my game.


Funny. I love how this Maesima sits squat at the same level as my Peryton. Which then means I need to make a concept for 2019 with a whole new engine. Here I come!

Best part is that I never even intended to compete with Maesima, like ever.

@Awildgermanappears Did I mention, Eradicare sounds like some government euthanasia program? It’s just sinister. Or was the engine your mechanism all along? *conspiracy theory intensifies*


Dafuq you talkin bout. Only because IMP now sells a (expensive) family sedan with dead reliable spoiler[/spoiler] 670hp and a five year, unlimited mileage warranty?

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D-Did I get shit on? Okay :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t matter what sort of cars you make, we love you anyways.


On the far left and right: the Kunai RS
Originally we made just a sedan looking at the Dimension Rift SSP but then quickly realised there was a hot hatchback battle between Zavir, Saminda, Phale, and Erin. We think. So we got in on the RWD hatchback action. We don’t even know who this car competes with anymore. Just buy it and go defeat people at the Nurburgring.

The Peryton
isn’t lazing around either! Sitting on a refabricated aluminium chassis and panels, there is some serious weight reduction in this car now. Coupled with an interior change, and plenty of suspension tuning… it looks like we’re sorted!

To reduce weight even more, and add some poke, we stuffed in the Drac FourJet here too! 410HP!