Special Requests for Beam.NG Drive/Automation Background Photos

Howdy anyone listening,
So I had the brainwave to do more images like these
( https://www.deviantart.com/carreract/art/LA-Traffic-779476918 & https://www.deviantart.com/carreract/art/MarTar-Sinque-GTX-760941602 )
in Beam.NG Drive as I think they make quite enjoyable backgrounds for computers and stuff. It’s actually really enjoyable to make even though many would find it mind numbing.

There’s a few options for ya below.

Singles: This is just code for a very calm background, it’s not busy and clustered (like the ones above). Forest trials, dirt roads, neighborhoods are definitely not as labor intensive so I am much more willing to do more than one photo of this.
Natural: A car in its natural habitat… a road. That being said there are plenty of other cars in their natural habitat so to give a real world feel, there will be vehicles and maybe a few planes too.
Random: If you ask for random, it’ll literally be whatever I can come up with.
Custom Cars: This just means you have a specific vehicle or group of vehicles that you want as a the focus or background. This can be as detailed as you want but do try to keep it below three focus vehicles.
Automation: It’s obvious, but I will do Automation cars too so if you have your own Automation cars you would like to get a nice cover photo for that’s superior to the basic photo scenes provided with the game.
Mod Cars/Maps: Yep, if you got a mod in progress, vehicle or map of some sort and would like to have a photo that doesn’t look like the Walking Dead is the state of the world, come to me and I can give it that real world feel while you add in the final details to your mod car/map/etc.

Here’s a small list to hopefully answer most questions!

How do I Request a photo?
Simply send me a note and I will respond timely. I check here usually once or twice a day, but sometimes I may go a day or two with nothing, please be patient as my job can hit 14 hours a day sometimes. I also run on Eastern Standard Time just so everyone knows as well.

Can I get multiple photo angles?
This is highly variable. If it’s a massive, busy image, chances are it can only be taken from one angle. This is because Beam.NG Drive is a soft-body physics game which means every car, even with the engine removed, have several hundred nodes to the game monitors at all times. As you can image, even the beefiest of PC’s will struggle with the numbers I will run into, so that means I still have to be conservative and only place cars within the lenses. If its not that big or busy of a photo, I am pretty likely to allow multiple angles, maybe even full 360 Degree if possible.

Can I choose a particular background?
Yes of course, but you don’t need to purchase the game to find out all available areas (and then learn all Modder maps that I have), instead you can ask me for somewhere unique or give a description of a background you like. It’s a bit tough to find the exact one as a lot of maps only have a select few places that don’t feel “alien” or just awkward. I will send photos of potential shot locations for you, but please be honest as I want this to be perfect for you.

Will I be allowed to use/post this publicly?
This one took a minute to think about, but I decided yes you may as long as you post a link back to the original (I will be posting the image on my profile) crediting me. Even if you weren’t the one to request it, you may use it provided you list it as my photos/creations, I really don’t want to have to add a watermark into these so be kind for everyone else’s sake.

Do I get partial rights to the image since it was my request?
Afraid not, as I will be posting these one my page, they are for public use with provided credit to myself. Good news is every image’s description will have a link back to your DeviantArt page per request.

Can you mod your own maps/settings?
Ah, I’m not actually that smart so coding is way too confusing for my simple minded life.

Can I do multiple requests?
Of course you can, but only one at a time, regardless of complexity or busyness. If there is a wait, each one will go to the back of the line each time so there’s no excessive waits per person.

How long will these take to produce?
Real talk here, no clue. Its incredibly variable on a mass of things. When you asked, my work schedule, complexity, motivation/tiredness, and so on will determine this so really it can be 20 minutes-several weeks. BUT if I wanna estimate, if there’s a lot of requests before you, maybe a week, or if you’re in front, a few hours to a week. It’s just way to varied. For example, tomorrow after this post I have a day-to-day 12 hour shift two days in a row so both days will likely be out.

Can I ask to change something I don’t like in the image?
Uh, yea… It’s literally being made for you so I would want it to be exactly right for you. That being said, please don’t abuse this kindness, but don’t shy away from a big change. Sometimes that’ll happen and that’s ok. Just use common sense that’s all.

Actually I won’t be charging anything. I truly enjoy doing this in my free time so come on and ask me for anything you want for your photo. Besides, if you’re a Modder, I’ll consider it early access so that would make us square anyways. If you insist on some form of repay, a shoutout would be great!

Now that the questions are out of the way, if you have anymore not listed, please ask them in the comments or in a note and I will answer as soon as possible.
I can be found on Beam.NG Drive and Automation as well in case you wanna contact me there.

DeviantArt Profile Link: www.deviantart.com/carreract
Beam.NG Drive Profile Link: www.beamng.com/members/carrera…
Automation Profile Link: discourse.automationgame.com/u…

Can’t wait to start making these images regularly!