True or False: Forum Game 2.0

True afaik oh no what’s happening help * pop *

TNP pops

I do pop, synthpop.

TNP metals :metal:

Not a fan of Metal, but Metal influenced EDM is my fucking JAM

TNP is a fan of Cross-Genre music.

I can be, especially when it winds up being innovative and different. Dance-Punk for instance :smiley:

TNP loves going to gigs

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Never been to one, but I feel like it will be either love or hate for me :thinking:.

TNP has their own style.

what style? False in any way anyway

TNP likes going meta

Yes and no, like Shrodinger’s fuccin’ cat.

TNP is buying Resident Evil 2 Remastered.

Despite loving the series, false. Garbage laptop and no consoles.

TNP has had to sacrifice a car for work.

Sort of. I had to sell a car and upgrade to one that would actually make a proper freeway road trip for work, but I wanted to get rid of my other car anyway as the annual insurance was literally costing me more than the car was worth.

TNP could afford something they really want but have other reasons not to get.

I want a car and a gaming rig. I have no job (as I’m a uni student ATM). So I can’t afford any of it.

TNP wants to enjoy some hot pockets for some reason.


TNP likes copy paste designs

You are kidding, right?

TNP thinks the new 7 series is well in contention for ugliest car of the decade if not perhaps ever

Image result for bmw 7 series 2019

BMW really are pulling out all the stops with hideous looking behemoths it seems, and it’s hard to not argue that the X7 or X8 are uglier. But there’s something more criminal about the 7 series’ new appearance, with its gopping, dull, flabergasted front end and confused, finnicky and uninspired rear. Especially in blue, it really looks bloated and tired. What a hineous piece of calculated design.

True. The new 7-series definitely is not a looker.

TNP hopes Koenigsegg and a Chinese EV company can revive SAAB.

No point in hoping for something that will never happen.
I hope all goes well for NEVS but at this point they’re just a car company that has acquired Saab’s assets and that’s it. As long as they have no rights for the Saab name, reviving the brand is out of question.

TNP will post a good song

Will do, I hope I didn’t disappoint :grin:

TNP wants to play rps with me

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TNP :scissors:


TNP is hyped about something that’s happening soon

Hell yeah. Big things are coming soon and later this year.

TNP has already bought festival tickets for this summer


TNP wants an used E39 M5 as his daily.

Of course, any insane person wouldn’t take an E39 M5 as an option

TNP would like to trackday with any car of preference.