True or False: Forum game


TNP is hyped for said GT Sport.

False. I’m never hyped for those releases, as I tend to wait for two, three years before playing them. Also I’m with @Fayeding_Spray, aside from the photo mode and the ability to rearrange your liveries (one reason I liked NFS: Shift despite the crappy physics and narrow car selection), it doesn’t give me any indication of what the game engine can really do. Especially when the replay framerate is kind of stuttery, the particle physics is non-existent, and I see no damage modelling whatsoever.

Fun fact: One thing I liked about the intro of GT5 was that it featured some of my favourite Prokofieff. Only made slightly weirder by the fact it was performed by Lang Lang.

TNP likes brussel sprouts.

Aw hell no!

TNP is a carnivore.

false, i am an omnivore

TNP is a Herbivore

false. also omnivore.
except… if we’re talking about the opposite gender and relationships.
then i’m a buddha monk who doesn’t eat

TNP have a fan blowing in their room right now

No I have 10 windows all together

TNP has a chrome google

True, but never use it (I use the Fox of Fire)

TNP has a water-cooled PC somewhere in their house.

False, my PC is like an old Porsche flat-six.

TNP still uses the explorer of the internet.

False. His usefulness expired when we went into the future. A future where everything is chrome!

TNP could go for a snack right now.

True, now I am hungry…

TNP is now eating a snack

False, but…

TNP is my sandwich (asdf reference)


TNP made lotsa spaghetti.

False, Mac and cheese

TNP seen a Dodge Challenger ad

True, it was driven by George Washington and a bunch of redcoats were fleeing from it.

TNP has seen deer in their backyard.


TNP has a microwave.




TNP thinks they should make a rallying series based of modern day supercars.

True, maybe make it a spiritual successor to Group B

TNP was born after Motorsport became boring and too health and safety mad