True or False: Forum game

True…I think. Definitely after everyone else did.

TNP also thinks that modern cars have gone overkill with safety.

True, in fact you could argue that cars are less safe given that traffic fatalities are higher now than years ago with the lower safety standards. (Okay maybe that’s because of more and more cars on the road today, but it’s still something that you can spin. Fact is many people just can’t drive.)

TNP thinks that modern technology should not be applied to making cars safer in an accident, but rather to make them automatically fatal for the people who cause them.


False. False 100%.

TNP agrees with me.

True. Death shouldn’t be a punishment for a traffic incident.

TNP has a Galaxy S5.

Very true :imp:

TNP prefers water boarding to the car battery torture method


TNP is a “hick”

False. Most hicks don’t grow up living in suburbs, never having held a gun in their life.

TNP thinks that autocorrect is broken in its current state.

False. Autocorrect isn’t broken, it is the breaker of things. Namely people being able to spell and use the apostrophe appropriately.

TNP has looked up another person’s nose before.


TNP thought of Peanut and Jeff Dunham after reading that.

False, infidel

TNP is a bit of a Walter

False, i guess, since i don’t know what that’s supposed to be.

TNP digs 8/16 bit music

False. Used to. Alas, no more.

TNP digs 80s music

True, nothing like 80’s metal.

TNP likes both classical and metal.

True, i have quite varied taste in music.

TNP likes spicy food.

Uh, false.

TNP has no Relationship.


TNP is reading this on a phone.


TNP knows C++.