1940-1950 engines

will straight-8 engines be available at early years?

and if you start doubting my thought, read this - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight-eight_engine

No, Inline-8 engines won’t be in the first release of the game, but may be considered as an add-on later.

what about H engines? not opposites, but H, read - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H_engine

as far as i understood, then it’s something like W layout, but with flat engines

The only car which used a H-engine was the BRM F1 car, so I highly doubt it’s worth the effort.

On a note I did read up a little on the subject and from my findings I can say that having a H engine or even a U engine seems rather useless to be honest.
But a thought occurred to me that we could have them as a DLC pack of course they would never be used in road cars but as I see you guys at the automation dev team have been planning a racing DLC pack and maybe after it is released this could be added as a £2 pound/$3.13 doller DLC pack as it probably won’t take long to make apart from the whole sound and calculating the performance due to a H engine having multiple crankshafts although I personally wouldn’t use these engines purely because they offer a poor power to weight ratio compared to other more conventional engine types.

Basically, the real pain is doing the art because you have to make all the possible part combinations work together… Calculations are no problem at all, sounds are not too difficult.

Making DLC packages with engines that only have disadvantages over existing ones? That seems rather useless.

In our interview with PointsMatter we touched on that matter a bit:

[quote]The Automation campaign starts in the post-WWII era and ends in 2020. What made you decide to end the game in this decade?
Robert: There are many reasons for that choice. While the pioneering days of the automotive industry probably is the most exciting (but not necessarily the most interesting), it also is the one where lots of weird shit was done that was never seen again thereafter - because it sucked. For example, this early era works just fine if you have a game mechanic that unlocks various finished engines with balanced advantages and disadvantages, but not if you give the player the freedom to design the engines. Why would you ever choose anything else but the best design? That’s only possible if either the game mechanics don’t punish poor design choices, or by giving the player so little information that poor design choices become the norm. Sounds like horribad game design to me in both cases![/quote]

But the idea is is that you can be given creative freedom plus you never know someone may find a use for the engine that we never knew before it was just a suggestion anyway

I8s nope, but I DO want to add sidevalve engines eventually.

Daffy please do tell, what are sidevalve engines? :astonished:

Now, who would have thought of using Google and finding that source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flathead_engine

just having woken up i didn’t think of it :mrgreen:

btw, 1 cylinder and 2 cylinder engines?
you would ask why, i will tell you:

  1. Citroen 2CV, has an aircooled 2 cylinder boxer
  2. BMW Isetta, has a 1 cylinder motorcycle engine
  3. Morgan V-Twin, 2 cylinder V, also goes on 3 wheels

best excuses i can come up with to add the option

At this point we REALLY don’t need any more content engine wise, we’ve got enough car stuff to work on as it is!

A side valve engine (flat-head engine) are engines with valves placed at the side of the combustion chamber opposed to a pent-roof design which have valves placed at the top ]en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side_valve :smiley:

bit.ly/126HCo1 :stuck_out_tongue: