1987 to 1995 Automation Hatchback Championship(with BOP) [ FINISHED ]

Increased tire width to 195, changed from sports compound to medium compound (service cost was way too high with sports), added a spoiler, increased toe in and added ABS!

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Had to make mine quite a bit worse since the flywheel weight change screwed me over royally in terms of meeting a range of minimum / maximum stat thresholds…

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The 200 bonus for the engine cost helped out massively, increased the extremely under powered 110hp engine to 173hp. Had to reduce to medium tyres to keep service costs in check. Increased power and reduced grip is going be interesting.


time running out for facelift submissions @Harvester @stigx24536 @Mausil @Deltaz (please send them before I wake up tomorrow :wink: )

And here we reach the start of the Lime Rock Park stage.

Unfortunately, there are 5 DNS this time. They will receive 0 pts and will not be allowed any bonuses should they wish to participate in Round 3.

There are:

  • Mausil Green Pea
  • Butler Pixie
  • KBF Pruttmobil
  • HRV 555 N 1987 Rev I
  • Millan

2 cars had a rule break(the same), and this was using the Speed Limiter option on the gearing page. This was clearly stated in the main ruleset. Since the submissions were done well in time, I decided to make them legal myself by changing the gearing ratio to match the speed limiter choice, and then remove the speed limiter. This probably means that the gear ratios are not what the engineer was planning for, so that’s your penalty.

These are:

  • Taka Peregrine STV
  • Seongu Gran Kando 1.3i

From the rest of the field, here’s a general overview of upgrades:

  • @Sigg610 's FPV Sprint comes in the GTI-X version which has AWD instead of FWD but does use an open diff this time. This was the only car to change drivetrain.
  • @Vento 's Clari Aigu Sport added ABS, and surprisingly switched to medium tyres
  • At least half of the field increased tyre widths
  • Another one to go the Medium tyres, is the Pain from @OptimusAlpha , while the Kobold from @Maverick74 upgraded to sports
  • Most cars decided to increase their downforce levels
  • 5 cars added VVT to their engine
  • Zen Motors Tianshi brought an improved 800cc version of their engine, which outputs 20 hp more. That’s one fourth more than previously. It had to drop MPI in favour of SPI
  • The biggest change is on the Pain, which still used Carburator. Now it’s SPI. The Pain also gained over 25% more power
  • Almost all the cars got gains in the Power to Weight ratio.

The tight service costs seems to be the most limiting factor, while upgrading to spi and increasing downforce the tires had to be downgraded. Will be interesting how it turns out.

Do we have an ETA on the round two results @pcmoreno

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I had to be away this whole weekend and a couple of other RL things that take precedence to sim driving but I hope to get it done before the weekend.


ok, so 5 cars to go. So far some cars got nicer to drive while others became worse.

I think I’ll have the rest of the cars done tomorrow or Saturday. In the meantime…

Here’s the list of bonuses/penalties for next round. You know the drill, dm me a list with your preferences. Top 5 and bottom 5 will get one.

extra 500 for trim material cost minus 100 on trim material costs
extra 300 for trim material cost minus 250 on trim material costs
extra 150 for trim material cost minus 350 on trim material costs
+ 10 engine max loudness minus 4 engine max loudness
unlimited max loudness minus 8 engine max loudness

oh, and the round of 1991 will be at Automation Test Track Short

And the driving is done. Still holding up the results because I’m still waiting for some to submit their preferred bonuses/penalties. Also, @Deltaz @Harvester @stigx24536. Let me know if you still want to rejoin for round 3. You get 0 pts on this round but since you did very well on round 1 you can still go on.

Some insights:
The most improved is the good looking Kobold from @Maverick74. It went from a slow, sluggish car to something which is quite enjoyable to drive. Another one which really took up another notch was the beautiful Chevre from @ctesiphon and it still feels like there was room for improvement. The last one with a clear improvement was the Zen Motors Tianshi, as expected from the massive engine improvement. Bad news for the challengers is that the Taka Peregrine STV from @KenShiro , even though it received the highest penalty, did not get any worse, at all.
On the downside, the Pain from @OptimusAlpha really misfired this round. It had loads of more power but it was simply atrocious to drive. Also a pain to drive was the Clari Aigu Sport from @Vento and @Happyhungryhippo . It was the worst car last round and the bonus it got did not solve any issue at all. The darkhorse @z2bbgr 's Nessa Bright also unfortunately felt quite worse.

results coming veeery sooon…


Waiting for one person to give me the preferred penalty but in the meantime here’s the timing table for Limerock Park 1989:

Trim name gap to leader
STV 1989 0.000
MM Chevre 26 S 89 0.964
Design Is My Passion '89 2.092
FPV Sprint GTi-X 1989 2.464
Seongu Gran Kando 1.3i HBOP 1989 2.799
Gazelle Paul V8 1989 3.008
Cambridge Kobold SL AWD 1989 3.982
Bricklet HB5 89 4.003
Nessa Bright GTi 2.0 1989 6.088
800FLC 1989 7.413
Clari Aigu Sport 89 12.959
Pain 89 17.350

Standings after 1989…

The Taka Peregrine leads after two victories!

Remember the penalties/bonuses are cumulative, this means that what you got on the previous round, still stands. For example, the FPV Spring now has a penalty of 350(100 from round 1 + 250 from round 2) for the trim material cost.

3 Eliminations this round, two did not enter a trim for the round and the third one is @Vento . (as a clarification on why the Claru Aigu was eliminated and not the Pain: if the DNS cars did had participated then both cars would have likely gotten 0 pts, and since Pain did score last round, I find it fair that it may proceed instead of the Claru Aigu)

Coming up is the Automation Test Track Short. This track has a couple of chicanes, one coming with some speed; a fast turn and one very tight bend. Make sure you think about this while face-lifting the cars and Good Luck!

Deadline for Round 3 is Monday 12th February at 23:59 GMT.

The last 2 cars in the overall standings after round 3 will be eliminated


Am I the only one who’s extremely anchored by the service cost.

I did coke dead last and got the extra 500 trim cost, but literally can’t use any of it, improving anything sends service costs to space. The lack of grip last round was because of the same.

Added current standings to the main post…

A little tip:

Looking at the results from round 2, the top 5 cars were also the ones with the most downforce levels :wink:

Just a reminder of the above deadline

Sorry for the delay. It has been a busy week at the office. I’m now through half of the cars and the rest will be done tomorrow(I hope)

There’s also some news:

  1. Next round will be at the Tsukuba Circuit
  2. Everyone will get a chance to make a brand new engine to fit the 1993 trim
  3. There will only be bonuses which will be given to the bottom 6 cars. And it will all be on the same category so no need to send any list.
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Results! Results! Results!Results! Results! Results!Results! Results! Results!


Current Standings:

Next Round is at Tsukoba Circuit and everyone will get the opportunity to make a brand new 1993 engine for the car. Remember that you still have to follow all the base rules plus the ones you have received so far(they’re all cumulative)

Congrats to @ctesiphon for winning round 3! It seems the penalties are finally taking their toll on the top cars. Another stunning climb in the standing is @Sealboi which managed to clearly improve his V8 car every round and got a 3rd place at ATT short. The Taka Peregrine was much less drivable this round but it still holds 1st place with some points ahead from the three way tie for 2nd. Exciting rounds ahead.

DEADLINE for round 4 submissions: 29th February at 23:59 GMT

PS: remember you are allowed to make a new 1993 engine and put this on the round 4 facelift


Reminder that the deadline for round 4 facelifts is just about 2 days away

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