2022 Shitbox Rally - Out of This World! (Results Out!)

Team Mravolinski-Chitco


First three members are all humans or human-based ( 2) comes to mind) and they are white

Expect that i might use either first person or third person view while talking in these posts; im both one of members of group and one willing to type all this IRL.

Last three have surname Mravolinski Loojoephantom

Everyone knows Serbian language and everyone but 2) know English

And yes, we know no stupid terms such as dog years- everyone has age expressed in human years.

Everyone is generally friendly and somewhat safe to approach. They tend to stick together

1) Mrdja
Role: Navigator, Supplies
Age: 23y

So im supposed to describe myself?
There are glasses with rectangular frame as well, accessory needed because of my bad sight.
Its fair to say im kinda chubby atm: would be perfectly fine if im like 75-80 kg, but im not of such mass, as you could see from pic directly below paragraph. Pic also notes my height.
I have brown eyes and dark brown hair.

Some of that might be muscle but its mostly fat tissue making me wide.
Im not much of fighter or somewhat strong individual either, especially not in presence of our two youngest members.

I studied electronics through high school and uni, but im not good at repairing anything.
Serbian is my maternal language and obviously im fluent in English, but i also had some Russian some 8-12y ago - not much stayed tho.
Im also car enthusiast, which might not help too much here, but its there to be mentioned
Ironically, i drove car with stick two times in my life and on straight road.

Doesnt really help that i can be considered kinda picky in terms of food, this might be issue, but this adventure surely would be exciting.
Since i tend to sweat a lot, lower temperatures of environment would be prefered over hotter ones.

Ofc my knowledge of event as member of group would be limited on data that would be gathered through interaction with other participants, so my IRL knowledge about it shouldnt worry anyone.
Will try not breaking fourth wall either

2) Pi Čitko (Pee Chitco)
Roles: Potential winch, living shield and supplies
Age: 23

It would be difficult to explain as to how this individual is technically based on 1) even tho their appearance, knowledge, skills and potential usefulness would differ a lot, but trust me on that one

She is 1.73m tall, has length of about a meter and weighs 88kg

She can be described as mix of two humans that resembles centaurs in terms of build, done in very Frankenstein-like way: to rear end of first body is attached second one, being parralel to the ground. Rear legs are under 90 degrees to that and are of same length as front ones.
Frankenstein feel extends to the fact she is full of scars all over the body.

She only speaks Serbian, but doesnt know how to read or write in any language. Being ironically named after math constant, despite knowing only addition and subtraction in 0-10 range.

Death is just part of life here and she isnt going to be scared of being rebuilt, or scared of anything for that matter.
Generally care-free and more than ready to sacrifice herself for someone else.

3) VerBanka
Age: 23y, but younger than 1) and 2)
Roles: Navigator, Supplies

She is nice looking girl of slim build, although feel free to take it with doubt, since she is Mrdja’s highschool crush, so opinion might be biased.
Before you ask, feelings arent mutual, but this is fine on both sides, friendship exists.
Has brown hair and brown eyes.

As for knowledge and skills she brings into the group, there is nothing that would be really unique to her and definitely considered useful in this instance, its just nice having her there. :slightly_smiling_face:
Language skills are similar to mine and for same languages too.
She is Mechanical Engineering student, but i doubt that would help here.

4) Klimentol Stariji (Climentol Senior)
Age: 13
Role: Yes (Fighter, Mechanic, Driver etc.)
He prefers to act like a human and usually is 2m tall, standing on his rear legs.
Mass is 100kg.

Most versatile member of group after Aydar, being very skilled driver and can repair both electro-mechanical stuff on one hand and living beings (humans, has some experience with dogs) on the other.
Tbf he would usually rely on abundant resources and high technology items, which may be an issue - he do be adaptable tho.
Speaks Swedish, German, English and Russian.

By extracting urine under high pressure, he can fly and cut opponents in half
Has superior fighting experience to previously mentioned

5) Čikota Stariji (Chicota Senior)
Age: 11
Roles: Driver, Mechanic, Fighter etc.
Measurements: 2m tall, 100kg mass
Android robot, appearance of 80kg young adult human, can shapeshift and divide to get appearance of something or someone lighter than him-not likely he would utilise this too much tho.

As it is with his creator, 4) on the list, Chicota is skilled mechanic (but only for electro-mechanical stuff) and capable driver.
Another English speaker
Has few jet engines inside of him, allowing him flight

He is easy-going individual by behaviour, which kinda hides the fact he is made for fighting bad guys and he enjoys fighting.
True, his opponents were never on same level as him (think armored and weaponised humans and dogs the size of Klimentol), but there were many of them.
More relevant for story is his infinite tolerance to alcohol and fact drinking alcohol is one of his interests.

  1. Aydar Junior
    Role: He can do anything needed - Driver, mechanic, doctor, fighter
    Age: 9y
    Also 2m tall/long and weighs 100 kg.

This pup of mutated dog exibits very insane characteristics indeed.
By far strongest, (likely) toughest and fastest member of team, having same knowledge as Klimentol and being dead-serious is combination for success.

Klimentol would hardly be described as weak, but Aydar Junior packs more noticeable muscle despite similar size and mass to said ancestor - there is like 6 or 7 generations separating these two.

Originally oldest members, that would be replaced by 1) and 3) in final team composition
They also appeared in prologue and most of adventures in US

a) Ludžo Stariji (Loodjoe Senior)
Role: Supplies, Navigation to some extent
Age: 80y old dog
He is completely gray, in same sense that can be applied to hair of old humans.
Also is 1.5m long and has 50kg to move around.
He prefers to use all 4 legs to move around, but can stand up like human.

Knows tad bit of Russian and ofc can communicate with normal dogs.
His navigational skills would relate to decades he spent as stray dog, travelling through Europe.
He can extract urine under very high pressure, allowing him some kind of flight and this ability can be used as weapon - can consistently cut humans in half if continuous stream.

b) Siviko (both CV-Co and Civic-oh work here)
Age: about 50
Roles: Hunter, Navigator
Appearance: Grey cat of 50kg, standing upright might give him 1.5m height
Adopted son of a), being small kitten Loodjoe found and decided to adopt and raise…while travelling around.

He isnt confirmed to know Russian, but his knowledge and experience match his friend, father and mentor described above, so he is likely going to accompany Loodjoe on whatever job.

Like Loojoe, he prefers using all 4 legs to move around.


This would be specially modified Kontir Cunningham 1.9 from 1995

Modifications include:
4 tanks of 76 liters each for water, fuel and some cheap beer for Chicota
-2 water tanks are in bed and two under the hood. They are grey
-Beer is marked red and is entirely in bed
-2 tanks of fuel are under bed and two are in bed. These can be recognised by black color

2 spare tires
Roll-down net for kinda closing rear end
Roll-down rear glass which would allow going directly from cab to bed.
Tool box thats between cab (down) and additional space above cab (up)
4 boxes for stashing clothes and food mostly

Its 6 seater by virtue of having two bench seats.
Additional space above cab also has lower parts of three
back seats they found out for cheap and one complete back seat, which can be used for resting or as alternative way of sleeping while on the move.

They also found some cheap bicycle and yet another, this time full back seat that was sneakily supposed to be place for said bicycle. It was imagined that few members of group who can ride it can use it for supplies, if need be.
Said back seat can also serve as resting point of sorts, when its not occupied by bike

These might give you deeper understanding of position of some stuff in vehicle

Prologue, backstory -whatever rocks your boat

In Belgrade, Serbia

Klimentol: Hmm, after some thought i realized something. I dont have some kind of vehicle to drive in.
Like, be real.
Everyone else commanding some country in the world has something to drive himself or herself in and i, emperor of technologically most advanced country in world, dont have such thing.

Loojoe: Well young one, you could have easily made such vehicle if you so desired.

Klimentol: Im supposed to travel to America for some discussion about nanotechnology. How am i supposed to travel around there?
Some Mr. Texas presented himself as promising figure.

Loojoe: You could save some money and buy car.
It should fit us all.

Klimentol: ???

Loojoe: I never been to that America and i do be 80y old.
Also my drive for travel might be itching again.

Siviko: Ye, we are now way too old to go on paws. Death can catch us at any point.
Unlike my biological family, i have choice for proper funeral and plan to use it.

Klimentol: That doesnt seem to be good condition to go travelling.
But since i might want some company, will bring you too.
Added benefit is that i could fix you up if something happens-i studied anatomy of cats for some time.
Granpa was already on my operating table and his body holds no secrets for me.

Pi appeared when she heard the convo going

Pi: Some member of Chitco family is supposed to go to…uh…dont know the place, but i know someone must go. And its in US.

Klimentol: Afaik most of them are busy or straight up not interested to go there just to travel through few boring dealerships.
Except…hmm, i got an idea.
We could take YOU there.

Pi: Im stupid.

Klimentol: And yet noone found reasoning to disassemble you, even tho you were supposed to work for just one singular job. People accept your stupidity and ugliness for such simple, open person.
Dont tell me you have better job to do.

Pi: Mrdja might complain.

*Before you ask, yes, Mrdja is me, myself and i.
Quick call to said Mrdja had disproven Pi’s thoughts.
With that said, they started mentally and physically preparing forjournsey ahead.

Few days later at one Kontir dealership in America

Worker: Hey! (chuckling, throws phone at Pi. Happily Klimentol catched it before its untimely kiss with the wall) Mail!

Pi: Thanks. (Started listening to it. One mail had attracted her attention)
Some rally thing…Wot

Worker: Uh…i may or may have not searched for Dakar while doing some job here.
Also i think i accidentally redirected some mails to your mail adress.

Pi: Makes sense.
This prob seems dangerous tho. (Turned screen so worker can read for himself)

Worker: Yup, i have family and they cant afford to lose me. Cool idea tho, someone should try it.

(Screeching of tires was heard from outside. There they saw car doing donuts on parking lot.
When it stopped, Chicota exited the car and got towards the building.)

Loojoe: We are gonna go rallying.
(Explains mail)

Klimentol: No we arent. I still need to do that nanomachine-related meeting.

Chicota: With, i guess, me?
I saw such mail about rally btw earlier and thought it would be exciting- more exciting than with Mrdja and his ABC friends.
Can bet your partner there was some Lamar Texas.

Klimentol: (Checks mail, confirming Chicota was correct )
So i had fallen into kinda trap.
Oh well, tbf i also kinda miss excitement that proper adventure can bring.
But before you say anything more, we would need to find a car suitable for travel.
I might consider keeping said vehicle for myself to use or give it away to Mrdja and Nev to use, that is, if it kinda survives this whole ordeal.

(They went outside and witnessed another employee talking with manager)

Getting a car

Employee: Im here to buy new car. This one served me well from beggining until now, but i now want something more comfier and plusher.
Do you accept trade-ins and if yes, how much decrease in price for new one i could expect?

Manager: We do trade-ins but, as you already know full well yourself, we would not accept that car.
You could say stuff like: “Im its first and only owner” or “It was routinely serviced” , but essence is not going to be changed.
-We cant resell it
-Noone of staff would be interested in driving it, which might include yourself when you get used to whatever other car you get.
My suggestion is: Keep it.

Employee: But my driveway cant fit two cars.

Manager: Sorry if i come up as rude, but that isnt exactly either my problem or something i could help you with.

Employee: I understand your point, but can you please make an exception in this case?
Im begging you.
I might consider buying another Kontir.

Manager: You know the rules and so do i
im gonna give you up, im gonna let you down
Im gonna turn around and desert you

(Acompanied by actual turning around and leaving. Employee started crying.)

Pi approached the guy.
Pi: -What seems to be an issue?
E: -They dont want to accept my car for trade-in.
P: -Any known reason why?
E: --Well…its 1.9 version…with 156 hp…wait, why am i telling you this?
Pi: -Maybe bcos i had shown interest in it. We plan on doing a rally and would need a car.
Since there are five of us, better make sure car in question is somewhat capable of fitting us all.
This seems like adequate choice.

Klimentol: There is in fact reason as to why ppl wouldnt want that. I just checked and it has over 2100 kilograms. It has very small power compared to what it needs to move.

Pi: It has 156 hp…that seems like a lot.

Klimentol: Same goes for its mass. Wait, why am i arguing with YOU in region where i hold definitive knowledge advantage?

Pi: Heh we cant be picky. It was said that we could use only 2k to get something.

Employee: I never said im that desparate.

Klimentol: You might decide to be tho. Noone in US would be interested in such combo of small engine in big car and its way too big for…anywhere else
Wait…Why im agreeing with Pi?

Pi: I was wondering that myself. Seems that we are desparate for car.
Its not like you are cash-strapped anyway.

Employee: Will need to think about it.
(Left so he could start his shift.)

Manager: I found some info. We might give him 1k of turn-in value.

Pi: Doubt he would find it acceptable.

M: And so wouldnt we, knowing full well it would just take unecessary space on parking lot.

Indeed, he wasnt happy. Out of two evils, he chose lesser one and parted with truck for 1.5k from our group. This also had benefit of not occupying one more parking space.

Group worked tirelessly to adapt it to their wants and needs, dictated by email they got.
Ironically, they were often working beside one of car mechanics-and previous owner of very vehicle they are prepping.

They found some neighbor who got new gate and decided to get rid of old one, which was promptly taken, checked for rust, repainted and put/welded on vehicle.

Some old seats also got second life as alternative accomodation-turns out that getting to them wouldnt be as comfortable or elegant as originally hoped, but they would be included regardless.
There were thoughts about engine swap, but it was decided that current engine might be just fine.

And so, they got on road in incomplete vehicle.
Taking turns, Chicota and Klimentol would fit everything in place, with occasional help from others (help towards Chicota was mostly composed of bringing him beer; Klimentol was more serious) while another one was behind the wheel.

And so we leave this part with them driving towards start line, in unfinished vehicle and with incomplete supplies. Only complete thing seemed to be chaos.