The 2022 Trafikjournalen 24h clunker challenge (FINAL RESULTS)

Team Mravolinski-Chitco

Prologue: Composition and union

Now it all comes together

(Few minutes spent checking car)
Klimentol: Seems we had reached an agreement here.
I might just want to see some documents, preferably original.

Mat: Are you sure?

Klimentol: Why wouldnt i be sure? Besides, you dont want to give impression of hiding something…

Mat: We might be hiding something, but its related to documents not the car.
And its all my fault.

Klimentol: Im not going to really buy car i dont know history of from actual dealership.
It would be expected that you guys would take care of documentation of what you sell.

Mat: Yeah, about that…i hardly think documents decorated by 2y old using crayons would count as being cared for.
That is only fault they have btw.

Klimentol: Only an irresponsible parent would allow for that to happen.


Older guy had been called and he came.

Mat: Pls repeat what you said about crayon decorated documents

(Klimentol did so, confused)

Guy: Ah i get it…just so you know Mat, it is fault of both of us.
I feel he failed to inform you about who used said crayons on documents…25y ago.

(He had gone and came back with folder
Klimentol looked and indeed…child drawings)

Thats still on whoever was taking care of both him and documents.

Problem is he wanted to help no matter what
Driving his old man up the wall
Which, yes, would be yours truly.

More details about that here:
TMCC 21 - The average family (RESULTS!) - #55 by MrdjaNikolen

Cant argue why this isnt really something to be proud of but appreciate the honesty.
And tbf i do like your family dynamic.

Mat’s dad: What are you supposed to be?
Klimentol: I doubt you will believe me, but im dog. This isnt a mask of any kind…its me.
Just so happens that im much more intelligent and knowledgable than others.
This does seem perfectly acceptable for us.
Btw, (glances at name tag on uniform) Mat…we will stay in touch and im glad i met you.
I feel there might be chance to meet up again in future.

Mat: I dont know what you are talking about.

Klimentol: Perfect…joking ofc but ye, we will stay in touch.

Car as it used to be back in 1997:

(Its ofc going to be modded to comply with TMCC: already complies mechanically, but is not rusty enough for such old vehicle with untreated steel panels; post will be updated with additional pics to reflect this when i submit)

Truck rescue and what happens in meantime

Car being bought, it was time to go and pick up some ppl from Stockholm airport.
Well…two ppl and one special dog, just like Klimentol.

Aydar: You bought this?
Klimentol: Yes, will serve us well. Thanks to fact these two have Letaran driver licences, we will be clear in front of law too.
Will be not-very-comfortable, but hey, we dont need to borrow Volvo of our hosts for everything we do.
Btw, where is your dad?
Aydar: He opted to go via land by himself.
And i can already sense…trouble.

Older Aydar, that will be refered to as Gromadon from now on, was indeed in some serious issues.
He couldnt understand what ppl were saying around him and passing border wasnt as easy as just lining up with cars.
This wasnt helped by fact only creatures that could understand him would be police dogs, which sadly would not know language of their handlers.
He also brought no documents with him.

Out of fear, everyone allowed him to pass bcos they werent aware of what could happen otherwise.
Not to mention restraining him would be out of their abilities

This all changed when one trucker overestimated handling capabilities of his composition, causing him to leave the road.
It was rather rainy and as such surface was muddy enough to guarantee that truck is going nowhere.
Gromadon naturally got interested to horror of everyone around stuck vehicle. He decided to try to push lightly without results, trying to see which area of truck is sturdy enough to handle the force.
Very quickly, humans saw that this monstruous dog is in fact trying to push composition back to road and not trying to get them as snack.
This was tedious job, even for him but, since he was already there and saw no other method they can use to extract it, he pushed through.
Finally, truck was back on road to everyone’s excitement.

Suddenly, borders werent such a big issue anymore.
He got hungry, but Sweden was in sight.
In fact, his popularity meant he was easily followed now by some ppl, meaning group that was already in Sweden could meet him up on road.

“Have you got anything to eat? Im very hungry.”
“Yes. We havent been looking forward to your popularity but it is what it is. Also might need to see if there is any place we could leave you.
Host might have some ideas.”

Short phone call later, host did had some ideas.
One was at his workplace and other was at their godfather’s business.
Gromadon decided that best option would be switching up between the two.
It was said that they will expect his size and strength would be put to good usage, on which he just sighed and noted that some Serbian-speaker should be present to navigate him through job at hand.

Now with all that are expected being present, some overall enjoyment of scenery was in line.
Quint is technically brother-in-law and cousin to two hosts and uncle to their children. Basically all members of this team were at some point involved to care about said two boys, or in Gromadon’s case, serve as their furry playground.
They thankfully do know and understand Serbian.

Union and preparation for race

Soon becomes clear that all that could be done was done…except for one thing.

Mat: Oh my, that vehicle seems very familiar…it is. That very same Saguaro.
What are you guys doing here, trying to resell it back to us after you (ab)used it?

Klimentol: Not really, we figured it would be cool to modify our car for that 24h event you mentioned to me…also came to pick up our last team member.

Klimentol: Yes. Having someone familiar with said event would help us to prepare car. Besides, if im not mistaken, you did expressed desire to participate in it.
Mat: Should be noted that car will only have one seat as per rules and there are five of us it seems.
And you dont exactly have another car, not to mention this might not be in working condition after event

Klimentol: I think i may have 6th member in plan that would solve all of these problems. We just need to make some platform so he can carry us and car to race.


As was case in SR, team members are arranged by their age

  1. Mat Hammeltau
    27y old, working at Kolondra Selling and Service Center Stockholm
    This is our source of race happening in first place and as such would be highly enthusiastic about it.
    Only member with non-Earth genes (he is Gasmean, but raised and living in Sweden)

  2. Quint Chitco
    Duplicate of Mrdja featured in Shitbox Rally:
    2022 Shitbox Rally - Out of This World! (Results Out!) - #30 by MrdjaNikolen
    Unlike Mrdja, this guy doesnt need glasses. He also led operations in Letara and acquired driver licence there.
    As for being 24 against Mrdja’s 23…birthday has since passed IRL (August 14th) so miscrepancy reflects this.

  3. Omega VerBanka
    Duplicate of VerBanka featured in Shitbox Rally.
    She also led operations in Letara and acquired driver licence there.
    As for being 24 against VerBanka’s 23…birthday has since passed IRL (October 4th) so miscrepancy reflects this.
    Another thing that should be noted is that, unlike originals, these two are in mutual relationship AKA Omega is Quint’s girlfriend.

Mechanics are 4)Klimentol Senior
5) Gromadon V/Aydar Junior, both already being featured in SR.
Aydar Junior will be adressed as Aydar, as per nickname of his father
Speaking of which…

Support “vehicle”
6) Gromadon IV/Aydar Senior Mravolinski Ludjoephantom
This fella will be addressed as per his real name Gromadon
Just like his son, he has nickname Aydar that was more often used than Gromadon - actually this is original user of said nickname.
His job is to be support “vehicle”, hauling entry car, all of spares, equipment and…everyone else i listed above.
Yes, he can move under all of this load without much of problem, even though thats going to require solid platform in order to carry everything

Platform will be closed off at bottom, so Gromadon cant scare off teams that arent used to seeing someone of his size, they will just see platform from which car and rest of team descended thats closed off entirely beggining 2m from ground to end at ground level.