Even if sometimes too fast for the track, the drivers and the competition, and despite the occasional backfires with flames bursting out of the exhaust (for some reason always causing the Bogliq drivers to look scared to death when happening close to their car) the clear winner is the ESPYO at 647 laps. With no serious failures and the fastest car on the track, that maybe was no surprise.
( @UMGaming )
At second place we have the MATTEO. Even though there was some worries if the clutch was going to hold up for the whole race, and there was some close encounters, the little pocket rocket managed a total of 626 laps. Well done!
( @strop )
At third place, we are impressed that we find the CALIBAN at 617 laps. Being in multiple crashes, disliked by many when it was spreading its wood debris all over the track, and with a far from stellar driving record by Ana the last stint, one can clearly call this a good result.
( @Mr.Computah)
There is some big question marks about the KEIKA. Where did the team find one of the rarest hot hatches of the 80s, why are they all anonymous and why the aggressive attack against the Minerva in the pits? What’s not unclear at all though is that they are barely missing the podium at fourth place and 614 laps.
( @BoostandEthanol )
Fifth, we find the FERRAIN. Not the fastest of the bunch and definitely with quite a heavy appetite on fuel, and driven in a little bit too aggressive manner sometimes, the eccentric ute-like thing has been going like a train most of the time, and the even more eccentric factory team managed to drive it around the tracks 607 laps.
( @Lorenztype )
Shortly after we find the NOHDA. Being in one crash and not running very well all the time, it finishes at sixth place, managing to do 606 laps.
( @Dorifto_Dorito )
At seventh place we find the BIRMINGHAM, something of a sleeper and by some people here considered the fastest true clunker after a bunch of sports cars and hot hatches, good driving and no major faults took it 587 laps around the track.
( @DukeOFhazards )
An impressive performer is finishing at 8th place, Lukas Nilsson in the TSR, a rookie driver in a mediocre car that showed some real stellar driving all the time, without major breakdowns, managing 585 laps. We think that it was a wise decision to not throw this away by trusting the energy drinks to do all three stints.
( @Aaron.W )
Going really well in the beginning of the race, the jet black retro station wagon was facing more and more problems close to the end of the race, and that resulted in a 9th place for the LSV 577 laps later.
( @LS-Vehicles )
The REVERO is a great example why fuel economy is not only a thing for grandmothers in tiny hatchbacks. Refuelling four times as much as the most economical car, the Nohda, it was getting further and further behind cars that actually was a fair bit slower performance wise, finishing 10th at 575 laps. Even worse, the team seems to have gotten some contaminated fuel, making it run rough at times already from the first refilling.
( @Boxsterholics )
The SUZUME managed to finish 11th, I’m surprised it managed to finish at all. Being constantly smashed into the size of a matchbox car, with a handling that at least one of the drivers had a hard time with, and with constant electrical gremlins that didn’t quit until the dashboard was smashed into pieces with a baton, it still managed to do 563 laps.
( @VicVictory )
The BOGLIQ was into some minor crashes, had some handling problems and to top that out, it was probably a fair bit too slow too, that lead to a 12th place at 547 laps.
( @HighOctaneLove )
The PMI is neither a fast nor an economical car, what it has done well has been to run and run and run with not much more that some grounding issues with the wipers, good driving and high reliability at least was enough for a 13th place and 546 laps.
( @Private_Miros )
The AAAA finishes at 14th place with 543 laps. Being in a major prang early in the race, the structural integrity of the little fiberglass box was probably very compromised, leading to doors and bonnet not locking correctly and flying up all the time. Another car that probably showed its last abilities through this race.
( @machalel )
Even more smashed up is the OLDMAN. Having some serious troubles with the fuel system, overheating brakes, worthless tyres and being smashed to the point that it was hard for all four wheels to touch the ground at the same time, I guess that even 15th place and 530 laps was an impressive performance.
( @stm316 )
Another badly smashed car is the ERIN. The crash into the Minerva not only forced the team to keep the rear door in place with some straps, the gearbox was showing its ugliest side already from the beginning and the rear suspension was completely out of alignment after the crash. Finishing at all at 16th place and 529 laps is probably better than not finishing at all, especially with a car that was far from fast when it left the factory almost 30 years ago.
( @DeusExMackia )
The MINERVA proved to be a real dog with a gearbox that tried to give up, a slow agricultural engine and really worthless handling. It also won the inofficial lemon prize from the track officials blowing its engine into pieces shortly after the race. Oddly enough it left two cars behind, finishing at 17th place and 519 laps.
( @Madrias )
The SAKURA was ahead of the Minerva for a really long time, despite problems with different things such as the fuel system, but at the end of the race some crashes were taking its toll, it still could drive until the bitter end though, finishing at 18th place and 515 laps.
( @UnderlovedGhost )
Bringing our magazines own anti-hero and his strange family to the track with a sloooooow 70s hairdressers coupe was not one of our brightest ideas, finishing last with 491 laps. It was simply too slow from the start, and Lady Leadfoot trying to compensate during the last laps didn’t help at all with anything else than smashing the car apart
( @Knugcab )
We want to thank everyone that has been participating in the 2018 edition of Trafikjournalen’s 24 hour clunker challenge, and everyone that has been following us, now it’s time for the teams to load all their stuff and head for an in some cases long trip home…