24 Hours of Ellisbury 1984 [homologation in progress]

Race cars are a part of phase 2, which haven’t started yet, so we don’t have a deadline set for that

Take your time man. We appreciate your work


been a month, is this going anywhere?

@Ritz ? is p2 still happening?

I hope so… Im not the host of the challenge so I cant answer that, maybe ask Henpoz on the discord server


Jean-Pierre is getting impatient too…

the challenge is still happening, truthfully life stuff and also procrastination have gotten in the way but I’m gonna hold myself to actually make progress this week



cheeky little sneakpeak


Radio message from the prototype’s last training run.

Driver: „I put my foot on the ground and don’t lift it until I see either God or a checkered flag.“

Team leader: „That’s the right attitude!“

Let‘s go!!!

well that fell through…

No update doesn’t mean no progress. Please don’t be so demoralizing, there are tons of challenges out there if you want to keep you busy.
Just don’t forget that people have lives, and I know for a fact that this year is very hard for many many people. And even if it’s not, just don’t judge people, cope with it.

Maybe you can tease us with your racing creation, like VibingWithOllie and I did ? Or just a roleplay motivation message like Kobalt619. You can be sarcastic, but you gotta counterbalance it with motivation :wink:

Cheers and sorry for that, I guess I didn’t need this ambiance in my hobbies^^


Well said, keep at the good work @IncredibleHondaFit


Real life always comes first.
My headcanon is that there will probably be protests from local residents against the race. And we all know how quickly bureaucracy works.


Id just like to know if anything is happening at all. If there isn’t, I will simply move on as you said.
Yes I realise real life takes priority, I never said it didn’t, but a simple “just so you know, it won’t be happening this week/month” after a message saying ‘something may happen’ would be nice.

Well, it would be ok with me if the challenge was canceled. Or else how about a little help? I would make myself available.

I didn’t enter so I have no side to pick here. But I do think cancelling now would be very poor form.

There is however a not inconsiderate amount of challenges from shall we say “less experienced” hosts that just never see any kind of conclusion.
This is why from my own point I tend not to waste my time entering challenges unless I trust the host, as harsh as that may sound

Some kind of is it dead or not would be good however

i mean if he never ends up replying maybe we should give the challenge to someon else? a lot of people joined so

I’m gonna try to get an update by the end of august, but as I’ve said before life has been pretty hectic; I’ve been searching for a job and trying to sort out insurance as I turned 26 earlier this month. I also was frankly a bit overwhelmed by the response to the challenge and kind of stalled out of fear of disappointing you guys. It’s going to happen, but I need time.


I promise you, you won‘t disappoint anyone here;)

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