24h - La Marche 1960 [Results]

I didn’t get a message?

You didn’t send me a message with your car.

Sorry I thought for sure I had already when I uploaded the ad, but was having computer issues that day, :frowning: is it too late to send?

The issue is that a few people have waited for the deadline before posting detailed stats about their car. So I guess it would be a bit unfair to now open the challenge again for late arrivals, after they have seen what others have built. Also the vote is already ongoing, almost half of the grid already has posted their votes (24 people). I would need to start all over again now.

So overall, I think I have to deny a late entry, but I am really sorry :frowning:


Here is some more info about the car I kicked the submissions off with. I figure as per my usual personal success level, if I am not last, I consider it a win. Total track lap time - 5:14.49

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Hey are we doing the standing start, where all the drivers run to their car at the start of the race? If so, Xf Racing Team might just start last :sweat_smile:

Results (Part 1/2)

Hi all, sorry for the delay! The first part of the results is done - the premiere of the 15 minute video is today in 4 hours (1:30 pm CEST) on Youtube:

Timing should be good for almost all time zones (US needs to get up early though) and not collide with F1.



I was hoping for a class win, but I did not expect to be the only car in it :laughing: .

Congrats to everyone who entered! Still really bummed that I missed the sub date but what can you do.

Oh dear, the tire quality… I thought I had all the rules nailed and definitely obeyed it in the beginning and checked them multiple times later on. But while getting more familiar with the game in my quest to understand what all the quality sliders do and optimising the numbers I entirely overlooked that. What a bummer!
Still happy to have tried this and will do better next time!
Will be cheering for my favourites from the sidelines regardless. It’s such a cool event.

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Don’t worry, I have been playing for years and still make silly mistakes like quality sliders etc :rofl:

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Far out. It looks like the 3 litre GT class is going to be a tight battle, with the top three within 5 seconds of each other. Economy and reliability may play a big factor there.

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Wow, impressive time for the top dogs! Really surprised that I might be able to break a top 10 overall finish… maybe. All that despite being in the S1600 class. I expected more entries in this class tho, and seeing the Mayster so low in the qualification is very surprising.

Some classes will be very tight indeed!



You made my day. The results didn’t hurt, either.

There are some beauties here, for sure, but @Oreology’s is seriously impressive modeling - I didn’t fully appreciate it until I saw the details of the back - and its win is well-deserved. Hats off to you!

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I had orginally planned to enter the S1600 class with a possible ITE build, but hours before the entry deadline right as I was submitting it I discovered I had somehow switched to radial tires. :sweat_smile:
Going back to cross plys would have meant spending tons of time redoing the engineering on it to make up the lost time. So instead I did a last minute job on a GT3000 test mule I was also looking at and sent that in instead.

  • Passed Scrutineering
  • More than halfway up the concourse results
  • Called “beautiful and balanced” by Der Bayer

I’d say that’s just about as good a result as I could ask for.

The fact that I have a decent shot at a class win is just a bonus—not that the GT 2000 category is packed with entries.

The decision to use monocoque is purely a realism/lore decision. The car is meant to be something along the lines of an Alfa Giulietta SS: a sporty coupe based on a small existing sedan model but designed by coachbuilding company. Maybe there’s a better way to represent that in game? If I had gone for something in a higher class, closer to a Ferrari SWB or other performance brand, I would have probably gone with a space frame.

I tried to avoid the “meta” except in cases where I would lose significant performance. The tires, for example, are probably unreasonably big for the wheel wells, but a more realistic size meant much worse lap times with no engineering or other cost benefit.

Tbh, I didn’t quite get to grips with the ruleset and the mechanics, all while sticking to canon (OHV and spaceframe). I prefer RNG so that I can outlast people on secondary stats. :grin:

But… I take the guaranteed second place in-class :smiley:.


Tough break, loved your entry. Just a little mistake that you can easily fix next time, should have gotten a higher place imo

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Can’t believe i managed to come joint fourth with the 4th worst laptime overall… i’d say that’s a lucky call

I was expecting to be way low in the Concourse d’Elegance.
Thank you everybody for the votes!

Looking at the time chart, I guess I can aim for the class victory if the Index of Thermal Efficiency is going somewhere else. :sweat_smile:

Just bring the car to the finish lads!