'90s Vinyl Seat Goodness (SUBMISSIONS OPEN)

1990s Vinyl Seat Goodness

“We have to make a competitor to the Culgoa, sir! That's our market share that we're loosing!”

The central A/C hums quietly as the senior manager reads over sales numbers of their competitor's newest vehicle.

“I ain't convinced by this, Duke. Take me to the dealership and I'll see for m'self, surely it ain't that great,” He grumbled.

“Why do you need confirmation for a guaranteed success?!” Duke’s face scrunched up. “Think of it, a new luxury vehicle from us! The magnum opus of the car world! People're gonna flock to our dealers and buy 'em up! With our management, its bound t' happen!”

“God dammit... it ain't happenin' with our design team right now, if we even have one after how bad Jackman fucked us up after that supposed "deal".

“Look man, even GMC is havin' a kick from selling premium trucks, even though they're rebadged upscale Chevys. If we can't design something, even from another team if they design it, then we'd might as well dig our own grave right about now.”

The manager would sigh heavily.

“Where’s that passion of leadership and innovation that we need, huh? You know that the luxury sedan, especially if we make a new millenium-esque design like Ford did with the Taurus is gonna get a shock and everybody'll want one. We'll get the boys from lower down in the company chain to share the platform in the future maybe.”

The manager leans forward and lights a cigarette. "Maybe, but that's a huge risk. Ford got lucky, and that thing about sharing the platform if it sells? I personally don't think so, we shouldn't stoop as low as GM. But, good idea. I'll consider it, and if it don't work, yer gettin' booted off the team, y'hear?”

“Thank you, Mr. Kessler!” Duke nodded. “I’m betin' a twenty that you'll be bowin' down to however designed our car in a year’s time!”

Welcome to my very first challenge, '90s Vinyl Seat Goodness. Your task will be to design a "new-millenium luxury sedan" for a company in the gutter, named Anniston Motor Works.

The vehicle that you will be designing to compete against will be posted at the bottom of the post so you may have a good baseplate of what to focus on.

You will be submitting one vehicle only, with resubmissions allowed if your vehicle does not meet regulations. (i.e. no turn signals, wipers, mirrors, etc etc)


Your boss at your design company has tasked you with creating the design of Anniston's new luxury sedan to release in 1999 or 2000.

General rules:

  • Car MUST be in a stable build of Automation.
  • No meme entries AT ALL.
  • Interiors not required, however seats, a dashboard and wheel will net you some extra points.
  • If any rules are broken, this will guarantee an instabin.

Car build rules:

  • Body style MUST be sedan as sorted by the game.
  • Family/Trim years must be between 1998 and 2000.
  • Base model cost must not exceed $41,000.
  • No negative quality.
  • No race parts at all.
  • Car must “look and function” as a normal production car should (headlights, wipers, gas cap, etc).
  • Default techpool (all at +5).
  • Tires must stay at 0 quality.
  • Car must run on unleaded pump gas (unleaded fuel only, octanes no higher than 93 AKI).
  • V10s and V12s are not allowed and using such engine will result in an instabin.
  • Car must have at least 90% normalized desirability in one of the following markets:
    • Luxury.
    • Premium.
    • Family Premium.
  • Car must meet Gasmean emissions regulations corresponding trim year.
  • Car Submissions:

    • Naming convention:
      • Car model: 90VSG - USERNAME
      • Car trim: Car name - (ex, Newvehicle Beretta)
      • Engine family: Legit anything
    • You must post an advertisement of your vehicle. Instabins will be handed out like candy for nobody with an advertisement for their vehicle. (Some sentences and labelled ad pics is fine, no extra points added for a cool ad but you will get bragging rights when the reviews come out)

    Design Inspirations



    Production Car Submission Deadline: TBD

    Production Car Rule Deliberation Deadline: Jan 26th 2025 - Feb 2nd 2025 CST

    Jackman_Culgoa_-_Luxury.car (78.7 KB)


    How can you look it up in-game? In any case, you only need to reach the threshold in one of these markets (not all three) to qualify.

    Is this to keep everyone on a level playing field, cost-wise?

    1. You can look it up by going to the statistics tab and then bringing up markets mode. Hover over one for the targeted markets you want to make the car align with, and you can see “normalized desirability”.

    2. Pretty much. I may change that rule as now looking over it seems stupid in hindsight. Thanks for pointing that out.

    Does Anniston have any signature design cues? A certain grille theme or logo?

    Yeah, sorry for not including this.
    Anniston is a company like Lincoln and Chrysler in terms of design language. Any more questions and I’ll gladly answer them!

    I will have the challenge open from Feb 2nd. to Feb 28th. If you have any problems with this or have personal issues going and you still wanna participate, just DM me and we car work something out. :smile:

    Can the Trim name be called anything?

    oh and i want to use AMW for the Car name since A- anniston M- motor W- works
    is that allowed?

    2000 AMW (Anniston Motor Works) FPX S (Family Premium Xtra)


    Sorry for such a late message, but…


    Submit your masterpieces and watch in horror as they get binned immediately! (not really, dw)
    Anyways, have fun on this challenge!

    What are the stat priorities?

    Vinyl seats? No V12? 41K limit? I don’t think “luxury” is the car class you’re looking for. Premium, perhaps?

    To me, this makes some sense, considering the fact that they’re looking for an entry-level to mid-range trim instead of a higher-end or flagship spec.

    Think 2001 Cadillac Devil
    Or the Lincoln LS

    I think that’s what he is going for

    1 Like

    No priorities list makes it a little hard to be certain what you want the most of. Could you provide one?

    I think the priority list is covered by the 90% appeal to the 3 markets. Not that it’s hard to meet, but that’s what i went on.

    00’ Anniston Baller, Cuase youth, should afford a luxury car

    2 liter Boxer 6 with a economic turbo, FWD luxury compact sedan

    1 Like

    The game’s metrics are pretty floppy compared to usual challenge priorities though. And even then, how heavily is, say, comfort vs drivability going to be scored? It’s important to know. Otherwise it’s just a fight to look decent while making number go up and that’s no good

    Anniston Motor Works
    "Everything you will ever need"
    Never Settle
    Introducing the 1999 Excelsor,
    a masterpiece of luxury and confort,
    designed to elevate your drive
    into the next millennium.
    Experience unmatched comfort and
    timeless elegance today.

    What is the price of having all your
    desires satisfied?

    Nice submission, don’t forget to send the .car file in my DMs!