A few first thoughts on the Al Rilma open Alpha

Hello all,

despite the problems we had with Ellisbury, I had the feeling that the devs learned from it and we would have a “smoother” open beta (or even alpha now!) phase for now, and that turned out to be true. Yes it is very incomplete but it´s not that Killrob didn´t say exactly this in his video.

New Reliability

a change for the better, I think. The estimated failure might be a bit inaccurate, but gives us an idea how that car would score.

Although I think the reliability penalty on mechanical injection is too harsh. Yes, early ones were crap that was soon swapped out against carbuterors for daily drivers. But the systems improved throughout the 60s, and a late KE Jetronic as used from the early 80s onwards wasn´t THAT bad as the game makes it. Yes, it needs expensive maintenance, that is a thing, but it is not that unreliable as early systems. I think from the early 70s on it would make sense to gradually decrease the penalty.

Engine power

Engines seem less powerful now, even when using the standard head and not the eco one. Good! Before, cars were overpowered for what they had under the hood, and now the figures seem realistic and accurate compared to period-correct real life equivalents. Single Turbos also lost a bit in terms of advantage in economy and power, but kept a service cost penalty, in return, reliability of the engines is not compromised. I guess this reflects the fact well that turbo engines do last (maybe not a Maserati, but a Saab definitely proved it in the 80s) but need care in usage which is reflected in that penalty…

Changes for challenge hosts

No sane person hosts challenges in the open alpha and I am well aware that I now successfully excluded myself from participating there, but that´s the price early adopters have to pay.

On the other hand, more than ever it´s obvious that quality is MEANT to be spent. You see it in the market tab, when your 3.0 V6 with luxury stereo has 80 percent affordability in the family segment but the reliability sucks ass - then it is definitely built too cheap.
Still, some hosts seem to be afraid of more than +4 quality somewhere considering how restrictive the budget caps sometimes are. Techpool is highly used in challenges (although to very, very different extents between very few points and a generous bath in TP…), so why not quality? If I remember right, Killrob said that +7 quality for the gearbox of a premium brand are totally normal, a Dodge Neon might have a +4 there.


Surprisingly few. The engine dyno sounds are almost inaudible, a “paste fixtures from clipboard” button lacks the symbol, and the test track stuff is barely there but the latter was already announced before release.

I really would like to read about other peoples opinions, too, so feel free to reply.


That sounds like a very good start, even if it forces us to rework our cars further to account for the changes introduced in this latest update.

Why is my engine getting reliability reduction when it’s under its RPM limit :frowning:

Found an issue, but seems minor and well within what´s alright for an alpha stage: Turbo charged mid engine cars have the engine spawning twice, one in the car and one on the dyno, and the one left on the dyno connects with a hose to the car… :smiley:


Having owned four cars with K-Jetronic and KE-Jetronic in my life, I can tell you that mechanical fuel injection was honestly as bad as it’s made out in-game reliability-wise; if anything, it isn’t harsh enough, but then that would just make it an uninteresting choice for the player.

Since this was written, we’ve made some changes for supercharged engines (supercharger friction was being double-counted in the calculations), and we’ve also identified a potential bug in the gas flow simulation that is causing more restriction than there should be in all engines. We’re still investigating that though.

This bug has also been fixed in Patch 1.

I agree on the quality aspect; I think that there is somewhat of a stigma around spending too much on quality, and while there is diminishing returns with a lot used, the game represents that pretty well already when going above +10 for example.

I think overall the community should decide the standard on what a ‘realistic’ level of quality should be, +0 (the default) seems unrealistic in real life but is considered normal and realistic in challenges for example, and the devs did mention a while ago (I think) that +5/6 quality in mainstream cars or +7/+9 should be common in premium cars.


This is the new way the game works. There’s an exponential curve where you get 0% reliability reduction at zero RPM/torque, and 10% reduction at whatever the stress limits are. This means that there’s now a benefit to overbuilt engines, and 10% is the new 0%. Reliability has been changed massively, by the way, stats are not comparable between this version and the old one. 100 reliability is now impossible, for instance.


One thing I have noticed and I don’t know if it has been mentioned yet, is that I tend to use the sliders when I am morphing the cars, and if there is an option that has more than one slider, the game seems to reset the other options and makes it hard to morph the car accurately.

Edit: and using the reset button on the sliders don’t appear to display the reset on the slider itself.


Hm, then you had a mechanic who wasnt properly trained on them, and … understanding these systems was as complex as rocket science so I can not blame the mechanic. Still, KE is not as bad as people say it was. Working on a Pierburg 2E2 electronic carburetor and getting that thing adjusted was not much better to be honest, just cheaper.

New problem that showed up:

I have a serious problem now that propably does not occurr to others: I was beta testing mods and had them in a folder in the game directory (not via steam because beta test, was unreleased) and previously after updates it would always work, and even if I removed the folder the cars would spawn with the famous yellow dots and I could remove missing fixtures easily. Now the game just crashes at loading the car, no longer recognizing the mod folder and refusing to load the car with missing parts…


Now that this showed up once, I can not load ANY car anymore, even those that worked before and did not use any of the test parts. I have provided the devs with the logfiles.


The default quality setting of +5 across the board is basically what your everyday, mainstream car company would have for technology in basically any car you can find on the road. +7 or +8 in a few areas is not an unrealistic expectation for a mainstream company either; someone like GM would probably have +7 or 8 in transmissions for example, since they are still (generally) industry leaders in automatic transmission design.

A mainstream company could even be justified having even higher than that if they are really, truly exceptional at one thing in particular; again the GM analogy, with pushrod engines, you could justify nearly any level of spend on valvetrain/cylinder heads with them!

The stodgy, old view of “everything must be set to zero quality” is exactly that.


I don’t understand negative quality

Can anyone clarify how Designed Reliability is calculated from the Total Engine Reliability and Total Car Reliability without Engine values?

Example, I have an engine with 81.7 reliability installed in a chassis with 72.7 reliability, and I get a Designed Reliability of 67.9. Law of averages says overall reliability should be 77.2. Even if engine reliability was only a partial weight, I’m assuming that the overall vehicle reliability should be 72.7 or higher.

Think of reliability as measuring the likelihood that something breaks this month with 100 being “the car will not break today” and 0 being “if you move one inch, the whole thing will fall apart”.

Imagine a car which has a 95% chance for the engine to be fine this month, and a 95% chance for the chassis to be fine this month. In order for the whole car to be fine, I need to roll that 95% chance twice, so the overall chance is 90.25% for nothing to break. This combined chance will always be lower than the chance for either side, unless you somehow have an indestructible engine/chassis.

That’s how the new reliability system works. The overall reliability is always lower than the individual parts, because it’s now adding probabilities of having issues.

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