About demonstration

Hello Devs

I´m from Brazil and I´m know that game since 2011 and I´m looking forward for this game because I´m a Detroit game fan, but I´m not playing anymore due to no more challenge to do.
Well, I´m tried the Demo and I have no words… AMAZING, and I´m sure that I will buy the full full full version! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I have two quick questions, please, can answer? There is V8 or another kind of engine in the demo or just 4 inline for the moment? And will be an Portuguese-Portuguese version or Portuguese Brazil version?


Inline 4 is currently the only engine in the demo, but V8s will be added soon.

Yes, there will definitely be a Portuguese version, and probably also a Portuguese-Brazil version.
We just need people to help us with the translation :slight_smile: that is community made! The German version is in place already.

Thanks! I want too create some 426 Hemis, hehe Currently, I´m trying to create a perfect 1.0 engine. :slight_smile:
I will buy the full version next days :slight_smile: