About the Car desginer

I preordered the game, then i went into the launcher, and i still cant see the car designer, Where is it?

I assume that this is a troll-post… ? After being around the forums for the time you have, you should know better :stuck_out_tongue:

imo this is never going to end XD untill car designer is released ofcourse hahaha

Unless you time travel 6 - 9 months into the future, its not there for ANYONE :open_mouth:

9!!! Months??? Nnnnnnoooooooo. I thought it can be finished before summer… :cry:
Do you like make us crying? :cry: i am swearing with my designs since i knew this game… We need it.

9 months! I think the game will not finished in early 2014, how you said one time,perhaps third or lasth quarter of 2014, or later… What do you think daffy?? How are you seeing the total dev time until final release of the game? An stimated date? ( I know it is far , but more or less…)

[quote=“urtz”]9!!! Months??? Nnnnnnoooooooo. I thought it can be finished before summer… :cry:
Do you like make us crying? :cry: i am swearing with my designs since i knew this game… We need it.

9 months! I think the game will not finished in early 2014, how you said one time,perhaps third or lasth quarter of 2014, or later… What do you think daffy?? How are you seeing the total dev time until final release of the game? An stimated date? ( I know it is far , but more or less…)[/quote]

its going to be finished in 2020 ! D: on the other hand waiting is well worth it just look at the quality of the engine designer at the momment! and the turbos that are coming, car designer is going to be fooking epic whenever it comes out :smiley:

The plan is still to have a first playable version with campaign (not including all content though) Q1 2014.

6-9 months should not be seen as “wow so long” but “what, so short!?” That goal is pretty ambitious for a team of 3. We’ll be very happy if we can bring out the Car Designer demo some time in Q3.

[quote=“Killrob”]The plan is still to have a first playable version with campaign (not including all content though) Q1 2014.

6-9 months should not be seen as “wow so long” but “what, so short!?” That goal is pretty ambitious for a team of 3. We’ll be very happy if we can bring out the Car Designer demo some time in Q3.[/quote]

But you originally said the car designer demo was going to be released in q1 2013.

That was before we made the Engine Designer that awesome. :slight_smile: