AGC31 - Tanked Up (COMPLETE)

Thanks, even though you can’t really see them in the photos. I was on a huge time constraint and the desert photo was running at 1fps even with raytracing off
I promise I’ll take better ones soon


damn u actually made the desert scene worked lmfao


I’ve seen the gas station map work before


I think you meant Iraq :iraq: instead of Iran :iran:

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Fuck… lack of sleep is getting to me lmao

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:bangbang: :bangbang: SUBMISSIONS CLOSED :bangbang: :bangbang:

Tanks have been received from:


oh and there were those other 2 as well i guess, but we don’t talk about them


so many tanks!!! i wasnt expecting that.

someone submitted a real tank.

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Centurion Heavy Industries T-77

Tanks are drab affairs. Sure, the noise and steel and attitude are great and all, but how many cookie-cutter T34 and Abrams sims are out there? How many of them are memorable? How about something a bit more… exotic? Paradigm-shifting? Say, for example, a Centurion?

Mais, oui! Centurion Heavy Industries proudly presents the T-77, a stylish and innovative main battle tank full of the personnalité et caractère guaranteed to make your game stand out from all the others and become a bestseller. The oscillating turret, inspired by the likes of the French AMX-13 and AMX-50, has a number of important advantages for modern armored combat:

  • Fixing the gun to part of the turret simplifies synchronization with the gunsight and improves its reliability.
  • It also greatly eases the technical challenge of fitting an autoloader, increasing rate of fire at the same time as substantially decreasing the size of the tank compared to a human loader.
  • The resulting geometry allows greater degrees of elevation and especially depression.
  • The gun placed at the top of the turret improves survivability in hull-down situations.

The main disadvantage is reduced armor protection, but as armored warfare moves away from delusions of impregnable mobile fortresses towards an emphasis on mobility, firepower, and first-strike doctrines, armor protection as such is secondary to the advantages listed above.

Making this impressive machine a selling point for your game is sure to drive sales and sate your customers. Pick original. Pick Centurion.



hey you should probably change the thread name it still pops up as open for me



After 5 weeks of work, Inferno Entertainment have sourced 12 potential candidates to be the Steel Bloodshed early access gift.

Here is a summary of their thoughts on each tank:

Bob Semple

Yes. The pride of New Zealand. For one thing, it is a surprisingly accurate replica of a Bob Semple; quite impressive. But still, it’s a Bob Fucking Semple.

Gerry Rig’s Tractor Tank

oh wow another bob sem- i mean gerry rig

it’s pretty much the same thing except it looks even uglier and less useful in every single way NEEEEEXT


Is this a toy tank? It certainly seems like one. For one thing, the tank looks incredibly simple with very little detail at all. Additionally, as you can tell from the initial image, even though it’s supposedly a medium sized tank, it’s still extremely tiny, even getting dwarfed by both Bob Semples. How embarrassing. It’s not just small for tank standards, it’s literally the size of an average car. Just take a look below.

For extra size comparison, here is the tank compared to a 90s shitbox


Perseo BLA Tipo 25

First of all, this is the only submission without typical tank treads, so a bit of originality points for that. It looks rough around some areas, but the overall form of it looks decent. Overall, not a bad effort.

Rosewell M812 Slepnir Prototype

A very well executed ultramodern tank. It has a sleek minimalist design with the right amount of depth to not look like some poorly made tank straight out of Roblox. The overall attention to detail is also immaculate, even down to the treads. Simply amazing.

Barrikada Tekhnologiya 13

Another extremely wack design. But to keep this brief, some nitpicks were the 4 barrel turret which just looks goofy, the proportions which consist of all flat surfaces which is then interrupted by the inclusion of the curvy original body, and the janky camo paint which could easily be mitigated with world space texture.

інженерія A-81 Gulf War (Us Captured)

An awesome looking and very damn intimidating tank, especially due to being so massive and wide with all that armor plating. My favorite touch is the Iraq flags being lazily crossed out, making this look like the true Gulf War relic it is.


Another decent tank, this time on the older side. Subtle details like the extra guns and tools make this look well prepared for a war, even if the proportions seem a bit simple.

Centurion Heavy Industries T-77

Although it is really wide and menacing, this tank looks ultimately unfinished with such a flat design, and it doesn’t help with a paint that looks so plastic-like. Plus, there is a random rail floating if you look closely.

IHI AT50 Tigercat V

A sharp and edgy shape pulled off very well with plenty of subtle touches such as the secondary plating and bolting. My favorite touch is the dirty paint; it’s a simple but highly effective way to make this look like it’s been through some battles, and ready to take on many more.

Jackal TD 75

A generally well executed rendition of a WW2 tank destroyer; looks simple but effective enough for what it is. It has a pretty good amount of detail, but a nitpick I have is that the pieces of the threads aren’t connected.


Absolute perfection. Every single area of this tank has so much effort put into it, such as the slight downward slope of the body, all the vents and panels, and even the slight looseness of the threads. The attention to detail on this is absolutely immaculate. Hell yeah.


After some quick discussions, the devs have finally decided what the early access gift for Steel Bloodshed would be. And without further ado, the tank is…

The гл-60! Congrats to @SoopeSpeed, and a big thanks to everyone that entered. I was blown away by the amount of quality entries for this round, and it was honestly really hard to decide a winner.

Now that every player has their hands on this beast, how long will it take for them to point out it’s inaccuracies via military documents? :flushed:


  1. @SoopeSpeed - гл-60
  2. @SayokiN - Rosewell M812
  3. @shibusu - IHI Tigercat
  4. @DrDoomD1scord - інженерія A-81
  5. @moroza - Direbla-51
  6. @ctesiphon - Jackal 45
  7. @ldub0775 - Centurion T-77
  8. @Danicoptero - Persea BLA
  9. @T0M - Bob Semple
  10. @happyfireballman - BK13
  11. @Edsel - Gerry Rig
  12. @Sealboi - MT-46/90
  13. @Djadania - betterdeals maxwell bomb thing
  14. @AMuteCrypt - a tank but not a tank

My Honest Reaction To That Infomation:


absolute golden round thank you rx7 lmfao


What a good turnout for such an off-the-wall challenge! Loved getting to be part of it!

And congrats to @T0M for doing a way better Semple Tank than I ever could. :D

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Let’s goooo
Honestly big thanks to you for extending it to even let me compete lmfao

Also for taking a much better photo than I have

Congratulations on your first-ever challenge win! Anyway, will you be able to host the next AGC? If so, I’m excited to find out what you will come up with for it!

Also, I think there should be a separate thread for a challenge that revolves around using Automation to make something that isn’t a car, bus, van, or truck, as AGC 27 and 31 were.

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I didn’t even realize that the winner was supposed to host the next one lol. I don’t really know what to do, so if I can’t some up with something I’ll probably just hand it off to someone else.

The excellent detalization of this project - гл-60 - immediately extradites something Russian in the design language.

Damn, the гл-60 immediately reminded me of the T-62 from the Tankfootball World of Tanks mode. I’m so looking forward to his return in any form, that I even started creating a similar game on Unity myself!

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I’ve decided I don’t really want to do it, so if anybody has an idea or wants to host the next one hmu I guess

@SayokiN I believe its your turn to see results (if you didnt already) and think about whether or not you are ready to host next AGC.

Yeah alright, just need some time for a write-up. Have a teaser in the meantime.