Alt-Tab issues?

Hi guys!

A few versions ago, Alt-tabbing worked fine with Automation, but in the last few builds, when you alt-tab out and then back into the game, all you get is an empty window border with nothing in it and have to End Task the game and restart it…is this a known bug that is going to be fixed? It would be nice to be able to alt-tab again for looking at real life car stats, etc, etc as we are designing things in-game! :slight_smile:

As a side-note, was looking through your ‘Game at launch - what is in, what is out?’ Thread and noticed that there is an ‘Online Car and Engine Gallery’ mentioned - any brief explanations on how this is planned to work…? Does each person who has an Automation account get their own account page to post their vehicles / engines / vehicle stats to, sortof like an Automation ‘Flickr’ page? :slight_smile:

The alt-tab thing is a long known issue, and will be fixed at some point.

As for the online engine gallery stuff, the upcoming AutomationHub website is exactly that - a kind of Automation Facebook page, along with other features like modding projects post-release and such.

Thanks Pleb! :slight_smile:

Just as a side note, running the game in windowed mode should temporarily solve this while the issue is being addressed. :slight_smile: