Anyone ever played Carbiz?

Anyone ever played Carbiz ? just downloaded it yesterday :slight_smile:

There is already a thread about this. Use the search feature,

I don’t care about graphics. The best games I’ve ever played all had very poor graphics compared to what is possible today.

F1 Manager Professionell for example still is by far the best F1-Manager game ever made. Graphics? Don’t ask.
Great games aren’t great because of their graphics.

To be brutally honest, the cars in automationgame doesn’t look very good either. Very low polygon, opaque windows etc.
But if the rest of the game is good, I just don’t care…

Yep, we sadly just don’t have the time and manpower to do high poly cars with modled interiors. They’re the way they are so that we have time to do a wide range of them. At least they look better than in any other car tycoon game :wink:

I know. :sunglasses:

In fact, my biggest worry is, that you might get carried away by all this stuff you can show in screenshots.
The core of any tycoon game is the economy model. In a really great tycoon game, the economy model has to be spot on. Get it a bit wrong, and you’ll end up with just some tycoon game, no matter how good the rest of the game is.

Can’t wait for the demo, by the way. :slight_smile: :mrgreen: