[ARM] Automation RestoMod Chapter 4: Trabi Trophy Trouble (RESULTS POSTED!)

Well, this was quite fun to build for and to read the results!
I can’t disagree with the assessment of my car but I will say that I went back and forth about the yellow headlights. :grin:
I was trying for a premium/upscale rework of the Trabant and since that wasn’t apparent, I failed in making that obvious.
Going to be interesting to see what the next chapter has to challenge us with!
Well done, everyone, y’all made some seriously good cars.


Hey, why don’t you join the party and submit a car for the next chapter? The more the merrier :wink:

The brief for ARM5 is up - [ARM] Automation RestoMod Chapter 5: Alfa GTA Dilemma (RULES REVIEW)