Automation Art - The Automation-related art exhibition place!

I know it sounds very weird, but, I’d love to see Automation-related art from you people.

Being a person who, in his second challenge (Shitbox Rally 2024 - Journey to Holsia (Completed, Final Stage Released)), relied heavily on drawings to make some more out of the text, I think there’s a lot of people who’d love to publish some art, digital or made In Real Life.

So, go on, feel confident to post your art here: Characters, Vehicles, Places (wether it be fictional, Automation-world based, etc.), and many more.

I’ll post the first drawing shortly.

(Side Note: I honestly didn’t think of a better place for posting art rather than Off-Topic. Sure, it could be on General Chat too, but, I didn’t think of that as a very viable choice…)

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Main thing that comes to mind is “Notruf 110!”, or the Cop-Show Car Supply (CSCS) threads where @Happyhungryhippo made a TV cop action show using cars from the community

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Yeah, I’ve actually heard of it, and actually would’ve loved to participate (if I’d heard of Discourse before).

I think here could be also ads, data, and other weird things (which again, lead me to wondering, why didn’t I post this on General Chat or in Sharing)…

Mainly drawings and art are accepted here. Maybe it can be somewhere where people try to draw their Automation creation (or the other way around: you’ve drawn something in a napkin or in a piece of paper and you think “Yes, this can be made in Automation”).

For example, I’ve got this:

A drawing of a LAK Tomamure.

(This was a car which was made in Automation, but, I didn’t take any pictures due to a very tight schedule, plus my own lack of availability to play the game in these few months.)


The thread can always be easily moved, if you want - jist click the pencil icon by the title. IMO it could maybe fit in the overall Sharing category, but Off-topic seems fine too. I like the general idea, although I don’t really have anything to post here, I think - I’m rather bad at drawing.

As for your picture, I like the idea of an own script :smiley: But of course, as someone into such stuff, I’ve gotta have some nitpicks :stuck_out_tongue: It seems to be just a reskin of the Latin alphabet (which isn’t wrong in itself), but it’s odd for an alphabetical script to have such complex letters - usually the less symbols a script has, the simpler they are. Another nitpick is, yes, it being a reskin of the Latin alphabet - realistically another alphabetic script would match sounds to letters in a slightly different way - just take a look at Cyrillic, for example. This could still result in the same set of letters, but used in slightly different ways, especially in English. “Th” sound from “the” doesn’t have to be written in two letters, or even if it is, those don’t have to be the same letters - it could be dh, vh, vd or any other combo that feels like representing similar sounds.

In short, you went an interesting route with that, but so far you’ve taken just the first step on it :slight_smile: But I admire even that.

Thank you for saying this.

This actually reveals a bit of the lore behind some of my characters which I generally use in Automation challenges that have some Roleplaying attributes (such as the Shitbox Rally or the upcoming 24 Hours of Clunkers).

Overall, apart from the one script you saw there, there are other 3. The one seen there is the “Eastern Script”, with Northern, Southern and Western Scripts also existing. In my opinion, I think the easiest was the Northern, which I recently remade, as it not only seems slightly easier to write, but also allows me to work on things like “th”, “wh”, “ch”, “zh”, etc (most things ending with “h”).

With that being said, here’s a picture I took of the Northern Script, without the “h” letters.

And also, coming up to the next piece of artwork, a car I haven’t really made in Automation… Yet.

It’d be my first somewhat sporty car in quite a while, if my entry on the 24 Hours of Clunkers of this year (I’M NOT SPOILING IT YET) wasn’t a sporty looking machine either…


I doodle the shapes of BetterDeals in my notes. You can imagine they are perfectly accurate!


Technically cheating because the car predates me playing Automation but I don’t care, it’s based off the most recent iteration I made in Automation