Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

How? What?

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m wondering too

I donā€™t even know. The game was just like ā€œHere, have free tech points.ā€

I dunno, but I have 9 reliablity :stuck_out_tongue:

Jesus, I had three points

Iā€™m absolutely crap at this game

The reason why some of you (@Fayeding_Spray) are getting a sh!t ton of design points is because the game gives newer teams a chance to catch up to the competition by giving them those points. After 5 or 6 races you will start to get much less points (around 5-7 points). And @koolkei if you sign a contract with a sponsor they will give you money and stuff after a race.

EDIT: I am about to create a league now! Information to come later.

first ever race todayā€¦ iā€™m in 1st and 3rdā€¦

what? what the fuck did i do? or is this actually normal?
oh waitā€¦
if it says ā€œsuspensionā€ on the ā€œfinish gapā€ column, does that mean they had a suspension problem and DNF?
because if so, only 6 cars out of 26 car survived, and iā€™m a fucking lucky bastard

anyone also getting this error when trying to spectate something?

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I was in a race and doing terrible when all the sudden everyone started having suspension failures, and I did better. So thatā€™s what happened to you.

still canā€™t see the livestreamā€¦ grrrr

Unfortunately I canā€™t help you with that. No idea what the problem would be. :worried:

How come my team only gets three no matter which league Iā€™m in?

You havenā€™t played this before now right? Because if so I have no idea. There is a forum page for iGP where you can ask.

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I know the old version had trouble streaming on certain browsers, not sure if thats still a problem.

I do. Iā€™m using Firefox, where it gives that error, because Chrome and Opera donā€™t support the Unity Web Player that the game use.

The issue now is server problems, where even 10 hours after the race ended it will still say ā€œGo To Raceā€.

@Nomade0013 You only need unity web player for the livery editor really.

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Oh, I didnā€™t know. Thanks!

@ramthecowy I think weā€™re currently in the same leagueā€¦ so good luck racing!

really? How do you know that? @findRED19

Profile pic you used before in automation, nameā€™s ram, recently started playing it.
Itā€™s quite easy to find some of the other automationeers in iGP as well.


glhf finding me before the automation league begins :stuck_out_tongue:

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He was in my league for a day or so. :stuck_out_tongue: