Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

Welcome to the iGP Manager Automation Racing Club.

Races happen every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT.

Join iGP Manager here:

Join the ARC here:

Password: @ut0m@t!0n1222111


Just signed up. Yay for something to keep me sane for a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was interested in it but then they updated it to how it is currently which I hate as it became far too simplified.

I joined after the update so I have no idea what it was like.

I can’t resist giving it a try. But I won’t play it until the weekend

Do we have an Automation league?

I can make one tonight! :slight_smile:

So races on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will work?

I can sort things out but that seems good right now. :slight_smile:

I might have to check that out

Spent a few minutes on it, it’s the clearest and most straightforward/easy to use yet versatile GP Manager I’ve played as of yet

@findRED19 You should! :slight_smile:

@ramthecowy That’s why I love it. :heart:

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Sorry for double post, but if people are interested about this, I can make a league specifically for the automation community, but I would like to know when a good time to race would be. A good time to hold the races for me would be something like 2:00 GMT (21:00 for me) or something like 22:00 GMT (17:00 for me). Then the dates the races would be held. It is possible to hold the races 7 days a week, but if that is too confusing for some we could do something like Friday, Saturday, and Sunday races. Discuss!

All of that works for me :smiley:

Blizzard Renault is Coming! (I might re-name to ECVR AMT)

So should I make a league now with the race times I talked about? Or should I wait? So far it seems people are interested! :slight_smile:

  • League Now
  • League Later

0 voters

I’m interested! Just signed up, looks fun to play.

how do sponsors work?

I also just signed up, and would change my vote to league now if I could.

Edit: changed vote

I think chaging Leagues removes updates. Damn. I have like 38 points in my car already :frowning:

Where’d you get so many from?!

Joining an inprogress season, and from “watching the lead team” (It gave me 29 bonus tech points :stuck_out_tongue:)

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