Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

I’m still blindly throwing crap at the wall and trying to make something stick.

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When in doubt, use glue. It’s worked for me! :joy:

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Duct tape is still better.

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If it moves and it shouldn’t, use duct tape.
If it should move but it doesn’t, use WD-40.

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We use a lot of both here at Blackbird Racing Development. A lot. :stuck_out_tongue:


#Mid Week Weather Report:

Today it is sunny and cloudy

Tomorrow it is raining

Friday (race day) it is cloudy

That concludes the mid week weather report.


Off topic, @Speedemon my friends have said exactly the same thing about my silver car! What a deep quote

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yup it is cloudy right now.

and it seems like it would be on race time

#Pre-race weather report:

#Race now 5 hours and 30 minutes away. Make sure your drivers and cars are in good health and your strategy is ready.


When you guys do the setup, you use the fastest setup or the one you drivers liked the most?

The one they liked the most. It’s randomized in any case, if you give them a setup they like sometimes they go faster, sometimes completely fail. There seems to be some human factor in this, so I don’t think there will be enough tries in practice to find out the fastest setup… it’s not like you can copy-paste the configuration from driver to driver after using up 10 total tries and say that’s the better setup because they demand different things as their attributes match differently to the track they’re on.

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Exactly. I use one as a baseline for the other, then tune to their likes and desires.

And this time I’ve made sure I’ve got some food because last time I was starving while waiting for the race to end.


…? The race is going to be like 30 minutes :joy: what even

#Less than an hour to the race start!

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Well, the last time the race started, I hadn’t gotten food, and it was too late to cook a pizza or I’d be getting up to get my pizza out of the oven in the middle of the race.

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Oh wow.



shits goin down

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u wot m8

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Shall we discuss tire strategy?

I think it would be a bad idea to go for softs or super softs in this race. They would most likely burn up immediately. Mediums is the way to go.

I would agree, but I tried that last time at Monaco, where the temperatures weren’t too dissimilar, and it slowed me down hugely.

Speaking of Monaco, we both did poorly there, and now look at us, fastest lap in practice :sunglasses: