Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!


I cant even get on the website.


L Wagner takes the first spot on the podium

J Schwarz is the second German on the podium in second place

K Gāo is at the end of the podium in third

@ramthecowy @rcracer11m I am having issues too. Good thing the race finished before this happened. Hopefully this will be an issue fixed overnight. I will get information on the forums.

EDIT: Not getting the problem anymore! :slight_smile:

Yeah, had to work today and forgot to reset my strat for the weather.

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I told you we’re coming back!
5th place, good job to Favalli. Sadly she lost the 3th position at the last 2 laps, but she have done well.

I’m Live!

Shoot i forgot to do any practice or setup my strategy

Live 4 real now!

gg everyone

That goes to show you how much setup+strategy matters, my team went from usually being top 10 to being out of the top 20

guess who got a 4 star driver :smile:

@UMGaming, watch out, I’m going for you next race! We have the same amount of points at standings.

If someone want, I’ve put 2 drivers on auction, both good drivers (one 4,5 stars and one 4 stars)

Welp. I stayed up all night for the race. 5 mins i to the race it rained and my connection died.

Imagine the rage. Got tired, and literally throw myself into the bed and be gone in 60 secs

Fuck all planing = 3rd and 5th

Planing, and custom strat = Bottom end.


Sorry everyone, but I had to miss the race due to bowling birthday party. Quite fun! A lot of weird and stupid stuff happened though. :joy: You don’t wanna know.

wait what? i’m in 5th.
my usually worse off driver is actually ahead this time.
holy cow, 1 stop hard+medium tires is actually a good strat

Must be 6th. I’m, I didn’t look close enough

okay, what does this mean? I bid on a CD, then return to check whether I won him or not, but as you know, the thing glitched out like mad. Anyway, checked back today, and it says this.


Alizoti is the team trying to auction him off, why do they still have him, did they outbid me on their own driver? I don’t see him as a reserve staff member, so now I’m pretty confused

yeah you didn’t get him…

you have to stay on the auction page to buy them. wait and bid at the last second