Automation RestoMod chapter 30 (ARM30) - Restore My Sanity [DONE]

Changed it anyway. Sorry about that!

Further ranking isn’t easy, in part because of the StarGazer’s near-bin, and also because of uncertainty regarding how to rate the final execution of the impossible task of a jank-free chop top… but while the LMJ has slightly better stats, contributing to its stronger showing in most priorities, the StarGazer’s decisive win in one of the top priorities - looks - mean @mikonp7 has dibs in case @karhgath declines. @Knugcab is third, followed by @twistedumbreon and then @riley.

I invite anyone to comment on the diesel rules.


Thanks a lot moroza for hosting this round, was super fun to mutilate your creation! And grats to all those who participated.

I will most likely host next round, but I only have one idea currently.

In honor of the new patch and new bodies, I was thinking of basing it on this, if people are interested (very WIP and rough)… Yes, it would be back to an IRL car.


Yay or nay?


Yay! But what about a Helios Turbo?

As a fan of older Jeeps I say “yay”.

First, I am not that confident doing one of my car, and then I am not sure what would be fun to do with it - it is already a very good supercar. What kind of fun restomod would you do with a Countach for example? Not the best canvas for ARM I think, the engine bay is minuscule anyway so very limited swaps.

I can think of a few things haha

One tip if going the Jeep route is to not be too obvious and set offroad as a top priority.

conrads jeep1
Sure, this is fun and has its place in such a challenge, but…

If the ruleset allows for less radical stuff like this to have a chance too…

…not to speak about radical but in a completely different way like this…

…we might get some more diversity, which could be fun. It is up to you of course, just a suggestion.


Do not worry, I think I have an interesting brief, some of the above are already in my inspo :wink:

Should have the brief early this week.

Oh sure you can modify it and such, but it is not a super open canvas for tons of possibilities and also begs the question - why? :wink:

Also FYI, it won’t be a 100% lookalike, I backtracked and decided to simplify the base car and stick to the base model as much as possible and not attempt to get the finer details right on the body (should be a round fender in the rear, the door has a offset to the rear, the rear is different, etc.) - I will leave those precise detailing to those who want to go into details instead of having to rework my hundreds of shoddy fixtures work :wink: (and also it will be easier to morph the car, change body, etc.)

Also, I was thinking of leaving the interior completely up to people and not provide a simple one - with the amount of body change and possible morph I think it is the best option.


So, considering that you were more or less done with the base car and that it has been two months, what is the status of this ATM?

Not sure what’s going on with ARM at this point, but if nobody else is doing anything with it I think I have the time to host a round…

FYI quick update, I was planning to post the new round weeks ago but ended up being swamped, many emergencies at home, new job, weather events… Sorry for the long delay and no comm.

Right now time and motivation are low unfortunately. Should have a few days off soon but not sure if I’ll have the energy to make a worthy round. If someone wants to take the helm, I would not blame them :wink:

I guess the first one to be asked should be @Mikonp7. I am next after him, but I can’t host since 24h of clunkers is going on ATM.

Oh boy oh boy

Can do, but i would like to maybe give the challenge a bit of new paint and expand it (( Call it restromodding it huehuehu))

  • Go wild with it (Very broad, more design focused than engeering)
  • The same but diffrent (Open up the brief, keep the format)
  • I like it here (Keep the format as it)
0 voters

I will keep this poll open for the next week or until we have sizeable amount of votes

It’s generally not wrong with a round once in a while that is going a bit wild, to give some variety to the challenge. As long as there is thought behind it so it works well.

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WIth almost a week past, the result i pretty clear,

Time for ARM31 - TreadKillers Open


Any news on that one then? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have started writing it, but i fell ill at bit here.
Currently i am at like 50%. But i will have it done this week


Go yell at me