Automation Team Challenge 3: Gasmean Luxury Expo 1973 [JUDGING IN PROGRESS]

Would everyone who’s signed up please edit your post to include your opinion on working in a team of three instead of two?

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Team preference 3, we can start from scratch or use my rough draft that’s already engineered and ready to be dressed up to show quality.

Let me know if anyone wants to make a diesel Lux machine.

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I can do exterior design. Or engineering but I feel others may do better.

Or if someone just wants to do an interior…

available for any of the three, preference on in- or exterior design.
preference is for a team of two because of coordination reasons, but no quarrels with three.

Heya, I wanna do an interior. Can do engineering too, I suppose, but happy to let someone else handle it. Fine with any number.


I can do fairly good exterior work and engineering. I’m no master, but I’ve learned a fair bit. Also decent with interiors, not always great, but pretty good, I’d say. Any number is fine.

I would like to do some engineering

I’d be open to doing engineering and exterior design, in that particular order. I’ve done interiors before, but it being a judging priority this time my interior work has always been a little basic. I’m somewhat confident I can do a fair shake at an early-70s exterior, but I should stress my fixture knowledge isn’t quite there yet and I am a slow worker.

I would propose keeping the throttle response modifiers. Throttle response is one of the primary drivers of the sportiness rating, so removing all negative modifiers for throttle response makes increasing throttle response a way to jack up sportiness without having to make any tradeoffs. I also think that throttle response does have real-world negative effects on drivability and comfort at a certain point, even if the in-game calculations might exaggerate the effect. I distinctly recall as a kid when my parents’ Ford Taurus station wagon was in the shop and we got a Ford Thunderbird with a much more responsive engine as a loaner car–it made for a very jerky ride to school.

It costs reliability and fuel economy, which IMO are sufficient penalties. It doesn’t make for an unsmooth drive, it keeps an unsmooth driver from getting away with sloppy driving. Or in the case of that loaner car, simply having to get used to another car makes for less than perfect control.

OTOH, I’m considering revising the transmission modifiers, because as written, there is no benefit to an automatic, and I have to remember this isn’t Dalluha.

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But isn’t this basically describing exactly what the drivability stat is? I could see removing the comfort penalty on grounds that a responsive throttle doesn’t have to be uncomfortable if the driver knows what they’re doing. But in my mind a high drivability rating means that anyone–whether familiar with the car or a sloppy driver–can just hop in and go without thinking about it. If someone has to really learn the feel of the car and be attentive to how they’re driving to be able to control the car well, then doesn’t that mean the car is less drivable?

Re: gearbox, isn’t a manual gearbox a penalty to both comfort and drivability? I thought you were eliminating the comfort penalty but keeping the drivability one. That could make sense for the same reasons of keeping the throttle response drivability penalty but not the comfort penalty; a manual shifted car that’s driven well won’t be any less comfortable than an automatic, but it takes some mastery to be able to drive a manual smoothly.


Having to get used to a new car is itself likely to be less comfortable the first time, even if the new one is ultimately easier to use. Especially if the old one was much harder to drive and needed, say, a lot of compensation for sluggish response.

You’re right, though. Ok, so let’s say Comfort represents what the car can do, Drive represents how eay it is to make it do that. The Response penalty to Drive will be reinstated. The Gearbox modifier for Drive remains as well.

Thanks for the thoughtful feedback!


Thanks for hearing me out! And I 100% agree that there’s a learning curve with every car that can depend a lot on what you’re used to, but at the same time it seems to me that there’s sort of an objective difference in learning curves for different cars as well.

As for the Gearbox modifier for Comfort… an automatic should give no bonus unless low quality (rougher shifts), a manual should give no penalty unless really low quality (noisy), and not that these appear in the era, but a CVT should give a slight bonus, and firm-shifting boxes - “auto manual”, sequential, and dual clutch - give a penalty because skill can’t make them smooth.

Revised some other rules as well.


We have not heard team size preferences from

At this time, we have a surplus of engineers and a shortage of exterior designers. However, the challenge has yet to be announced on Discord, and I expect more participants. In the event of an imbalance, I’ll work with people to try to avoid anyone left out or stuck doing something they don’t want to.

I’m considering a major addendum to the rules:
“You may submit up to two/three variations on your car. The differences between them are expected to be less than in LHC or ALC, though they need not share a chassis per se. Only one will be guaranteed a review. What I have in mind are regular wheelbase vs. extended, different colors and textures, diesel vs gasser, sport vs. comfort, 4wd vs 2wd, semi-limo with partition and without, convertible vs. coupe, V8 vs V12, and other variations typically within the scope of a single car model IRL.”



team size?? whatever is fine

Texaslav, signing up. I do engineering best, followed by exterior, followed by interior; but I’d like to think I’m not bad at any of the three.

Personally, I’d rather 3-person collabs because I’ve been in plenty of twin tag teams already


I’m glad to see my idea come to fruition, and for that, I will like to sign up o7.

Sizes between 2-3 either way are alright, though the logistics for 3 people teams may be more difficult due to schedules and time zones.

Oh sorry, I missed the bit about team sizes - no preference from me (2 or 3 is fine).