Automation Team Challenge 3: Gasmean Luxury Expo 1973 [JUDGING IN PROGRESS]

I would accept teams comprised of 3 users, although 2 would be more reasonable due to logistical concerns.

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I would like to do exterior design (though do note I havenā€™t done anything of this era), mayybe engineering. Donā€™t care about team size, maybe bigger would be better if I end up having to abandon this for some reason.

Honesty, I think a single trim is enough.

2 at most. WHen I play campaign, itā€™s hard to come up with a reason to have more than 3 trims, thatā€™s usually a luxury, luxury convertible and a GT trim. Realistically you wouldnā€™t build a luxury car and a GT on the same platform.

team of between 2 and 4 im fine with

I prefer a bigger team, but Iā€™ll be happy with anything.(Bigger team means 3 persons and up)

I dont care about team size, but the more people involved = the more risk of missing the deadline

Iā€™m happy with either two or three people but would prefer two as I think organising three could be a problem.

oh team. Yes! im kind bad at designing but Im very good at engineering. Any interest me?

Fully able to do design and interior




If youā€™re picking teams, im still on for a 3 way, ill change to exterior design. Since we have an over stock of engineering preference it only makes sense.

oh that problemic

Have you seen my attempts at visual design? Not even a mother could love those facesā€¦


I can design a whole car but im not so good with that part, just the basics of a design then i hand it off for detailing. I am excellent as a engineer (great considering the surplus i know) and anything with under 3 members for a team is fine. If necessary I could split my skills into engine and/or car work, but I would need to work closely in tandem with the other designer.

If it means anything, I specialise in late 70ā€™s/early 80ā€™s car design and engineering.

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Now that the challenge has been announced, and with no further rule dicussion, teams will be announced in a day or two. Again, feel free to speak up about whom youā€™d like to work with.

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May we please see an organised list of all the participants to decide on any preferences?

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If I misunderstood anyone, speak up please.


Looks good, but Iā€™ll switch it up to exterior insted of engineering to try to offset the balance some.