Automation Team Challenge 3: Gasmean Luxury Expo 1973 [JUDGING IN PROGRESS]

Are you pulling names out of a hat so to speak to work out teams or seeing who gets requested first

Looks like we don’t have a lot of exterior designers so I can be exterior designer if you want :slight_smile:


If I say what I think I will be suspended six months


I still want to sign up for engineering role

when i said under 3 i meant 3 also, but 2 is fine.

How I team up to others? Because that is first time for me.

Moroza will put you in a team with other people who have signed up, according to your preferences (once Moroza is able to).

Teams are assigned such that all three roles are covered, and taking preferences into account.

1: @Riley @GetWrekt01
2: @Ch_Flash @machalel @LennoxV10
3: @maverick74 @supersaturn77 @texaslav
4: @danicoptero @phirmeggplant @AMuteCrypt
5: @ldub0775 @06dpa @toxicnet
6: @abg7 @shibusu
7: @fabiremi999 @bdub1 @happyfireballman
8: @happyhungryhippo @rambow
9: @mart1n2005 @xsneakyxsimx
10: @erenwithpizza @crwpitman1 ~~@hjuugoo ~~ @DoesStuff
11: @vento @knugcab @nvisionluminous
12: @vibingwithollie @george

Unhappy with your assignment? Speak up. Otherwise, Phase 2 begins now and ends 1 September.


wallahi i’m finished

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interesting i will try 3 teams

Team 7 for the win!

Happy with the team :+1:
Alright @bdub1 & @happyfireballman are we doing a group chat or how are we gonna communicate?
Wanna add each other on steam?


I have accepted my assignment.

You got discord?

i have discord

No way, its already in our name. Team 4 the win!

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@ErenWithPizza @crwpitman1
Since I cant find Pitman on discord, how do we communicate?

I replied on discord already, I can work with the forums no problem. let’s just move away from here and try to get crwpitman on board

Sorry I’ve become unexpectedly busy (car issues).

Where do you guys usually correspond? I mainly just post on here.

still accepting players?

also exterior design