Automation 500(500km race on the Automation Test track)
12 hours of Atlanta by Swanson(12 hours race at Swanson Proving Ground by 07CobaltGirl)
6 hours of Paul Ricard(6 hour race on the paul ricard circuit i made)
Yunque 1000(1000km race at Qunque Raceway by Razyx)
Green Hell 24(24 hours race on the Green Hell track by Der Bayer)
Each race weekend will constist of one qualifying session and the race. The qualifying will determine the grid slot and won’t take drivers into account(to see who built the fastest car)
The race will take drivers, tyre wear and fuel consumption into account.
There will be 3 race classes, Automation Prototype 1(APT1), Automation Prototype 2(APT2) and Automation GT(AGT).
Each member is allowed to enter ONE car per class.
1.1) Each entry has to be handed in by PM.
1.2) Each entry needs to be in a .zip folder(only one per user with separated folders for each class) named after the user(f.e. mine would be Hermann95)
1.3) Each file has to be named like this: Username-Class-Type of file(engine,platform,model)
1.4) Braking one of the rules 1.1-1.3 will lead to a 25 points penalty in the championship.
Each car will have 2 fictional drivers.
2.1) 3 Tiers for drivers are available. Tier 1: Speed(high speed value, low consistency value), Tier 2: Consistency(low speed value, high constistency value), Tier 3: Allrounder(avarage speed value, avarage consistency value)
Each class has it’s own technical regulations which can change over the seasons. For the exact technical regulations look at the opening post of this thread)
Each class will have its own championship.
4.1) Championship points will be distributed like this: 25-20-16-13-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Technical regulations
all cars need good visible head and tail lights
all model years have to be 2014
Man Hours < 200
Costs < 3000
Fuel Consumption: < 150kg/h(multiply the fuel consumption/kwh(economy stat) with the output of kwh (f.e. 0.2957kg/kwh * 355kw = 104.9735kg/h)
quality sliders have to be on 0.
quality sliders have to be on 0.
weight > 1000kg
safety: advanced
MTBF > 30000km
Man Hours < 150
Costs < 2500
Fuel Consumption: < 100kg/h(multiply the fuel consumption/kwh(economy stat) with the output of kwh (f.e. 0.2957kg/kwh * 355kw = 104.9735kg/h)
quality sliders have to be on 0.
quality sliders have to be on 0.
weight > 900kg
downforce < 500kg
front tyres: max 275
rear tyres: max 285
RWD only
gearbox: max 6 gears
safety: advanced
Driving assists: only power steering allowed
MTBF > 30000km
Man Hours < 100
Costs < 2000
Max 300 hp
quality sliders have to be on 0.
No carbon fiber panels
quality sliders have to be on 0.
weight > 1100kg
downforce < 100kg
front tyres: max 255
rear tyres: max 275
gearbox: max 6 gears
safety: standard
no driving assists
MTBF > 45000km
Well, the problem with an endurance race (in my opinion), is that is is the same as a 1 lap race. The faster car will always win, as drivers, tire wear, and fuel consumption are not factored into the simulation.
Once the newest update is out i’ll create a system to bring this factors in. Drivers will come into account by making mistakes, having a good stint(=driving faster) etc. Fuel consumption is already in the game, you just have to pick the right values. Tyre wear is the only problem i have now, cause there is now stat which shows how hard a car is on tyres.
I know this might sound a bit freaky all together but i think once this system is worked out this project would really make sense and much much fun.
you should be able to work out a formula based on weight, g force, and giving wear resistance values to each tire type. I have no idea how you would come up with drivers, I wouldn’t bother. If you really want to spend the time on this, focus on car only stats rather then making something up.
The first thing would be a driver rating system: 100 is the best driver who could go the best possible time with a car(automation test track output). 1 would be a very very bad driver who makes mistakes the whole time etc.
I’ll try to write a program which takes the car stats(f.e. tameness) and the driver into account. Spiced up with a few random numbers it will tell me how much slower as the best possible time the car is.
This are just 2 quick ideas which are not final and also will need testing and balancing.
I don’t understand how a driver rating system would work. Do we just get assigned random drivers? How do you plan to merge perfect time (Automation generated) with these drivers (randomly generated)? I think it’s an excellent idea overall, and I’d be more than happy to help.
Well, I’d be in, so long as drivers are less a variable as having a better car. This would also really let that engine I showed in the airfield test track thread shine for what it really is: a motor built to race endurance lengths.
With regards to drivers: You can choose your drivers by simply distribute a certain amount of points to your drivers(for endurance races usualy 3 per car). So at the beginning of the season you’ll get f.e. 220 points to distribute over your 3 drivers and give your drivers a name.
Overall the car performance and the car stat will still be the biggest factor when it comes to races. Drivers are basically just a method to spice it up a bit.
That sounds more interesting… and actually makes me think of some particular web race managers (GPRO anyone?). Time for some driver FOBY!
Also… I really hope to see people make a number of real world tracks and then this series runs on them. [size=50]…I want Road Atlanta. I’ma make RA when the update releases.[/size]
[quote=“OCAdam”]That sounds more interesting… and actually makes me think of some particular web race managers (GPRO anyone?). Time for some driver FOBY!
Also… I really hope to see people make a number of real world tracks and then this series runs on them. [size=50]…I want Road Atlanta. I’ma make RA when the update releases.[/size][/quote]
I’m also hoping that we’ll get some decent real life tracks. I think the Green Hell already looks fantastic and the 24 hour of the Nürburgring is a very famous race.
If a good enough system was made it would be great if it could be a once a month thing or something with standings and such. Perhaps different classes of car as well.
I’d be thrilled to take part in it !
But as a first, I have other suggestions already made to the devs :
Make the forum able to have spoiler tags, so we can have more organized, longer posts.
With this one made, then I’d like to start a sub-forum gathering every known specs for auto racing, like WRC 1997-2011 etc.
This way it would be way easier to make classes based on the real deal. But we first have to get a better forum with more tags.
BTW, I never used the Code or List tags : could we use it to make such a thing ? The problem with quotes is that we can’t shrink them.
For example of an objective : … the-forum/
In this forum you can add multiple spoilers inside a spoiler.
It’s an easy way to organize an image gallery, for instance.
I have an idea about how drivers could work.At the begining everyone would get a 50 skill point driver for x races and after the first race a driver auction would start in which you could buy randomly generated drivers with randomly generated starting prizes for money won in races.If someone wouldn’t buy one he would get 1 skill point could also put your old driver on sale there if you buy a better one.This would work even better after the next big update that will have car prizes in it.Combined with moving max car year you would have to change your car when new technologies come in (or do it earlier just for the year bonuses) and keep a good driver (you could make an aging system:after x years driver looses 1 skill point per race or something like that).Of course you could change aerodynamics and suspension settings every race you would just send new settings to the GM.Better tires could also cost something every race.
Ok, the system is already in planning and i will explain it once it is finished.
The first season will be a testing season with 5 races. By now i only have 3 tracks,so if someone made a cool track please submit it.
Calender proposal
Automation 500(500km race on the Automation Test track)
6 hours of Paul Ricard(6 hour race on the paul ricard circuit i made)
Green Hell 24(24 hours race on the Green Hell track by Der Bayer)
Well then, I might have to get my Bristol with a track map at the very least to allow for testing, but I’ve got a Road Atlanta nearly done… just still feel like the slopes and bumpiness are off. I should probably have Bristol able to run 2 laps with a sector time for the start of lap 2.