AutomationHub - For all your Automation needs!

I’m so excited I just had to:

Hey! Where did you get that video of me dancing? :astonished:

OMG! How do I unsee that dance??? Please, make it stop! AAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! head explodes

For the lastest update exclusive to our Facebook page, please head over to facebook/com/automationhub
While you are at it, make sure you just tap the little thumbs up icon and like our page!

BTW, loved that video update you guys posted from Killrob! YUSS! :smiley:

I will collaborate in the engines section.

Suprise suprise… guess who will go live tomorrow?!

YES, WE ARE!!! Tomorrow at 12 PM UTC+1 (Amsterdam time) we will go live with !!! We hope you are just as excited as we are!

Make sure you come check us out!

If you have any feedback, leave it right here!

Goes flippin batshit crazy!!!

[insert smiley spam]



freaks out and starts dancing

Awww yeh! :smiley:

Beep Beep
Beep beep beep
distant explosion

And THE SITE IS LIVE! Go ahead and create your car company at

Also, we are now streaming to give you a quick tour around the site!

Doesn’t appear to be live for me currently.

Well, it is live.

BTW, is the Tips and Tricks section in Guides page really needed. Most of the tips there are either obvious (even for a new player) or outright wrong.

you have an ! in the linked url

Yeah, there’s just an extra character in pleb’s hyperlink because it accidentally included the !’’.

Off I go then!

If you have any corrections to the tips and tricks, feel free to report them here.

Seishido Motors is in! I only need a decent logo, i have like fifty prototypes drawn :laughing:

The download section doesn’t work?

It’s not live for me either. Still shows 2 hours and 35 minutes to launch.