AutomationHub - For all your Automation needs!

:frowning:, hope you start to feel better soon.

Get well soon!

Get better soon Wizzy! :slight_smile:

thx guys!

We just launched AutomationHub Television and our facebook page!
To find out more head over to this thread:

Hype intensifies

Give us a…

Date! Date! Date! Date! Date! Date!
(no pressure :laughing:)

Pfffft. Apply pressure! Give a date. hahaha So interested to see this going live!!!

We are doing our best! But the same as the devs of this gmae, giving a date is not a wise thing. We promised it to go live in May and August already and its still not here! So, be patient a little bit more! We aim to release this before the game goes Steam!

So… October 1st is probably before the game goes on steam :wink:

Thats probably not going to happen, unfortunately…

I’m half expecting somebody to ask for a beta.

[size=50][color=#000000]No u cant haz beta[/color][/size]

I hope this is done before the game is ready for Steam (whenever that is, I can only give a very, very rough estimation). I can see this being mega-successful :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh there will be a beta, bit a closed one. We have already invited several people to participate and of course, without any hesitation, they all said yes!

Latest update:
Yesterday we made some broken stuff work again and made the ‘Go Bankrupt’ part work so you can actually delete your company and start over again if you wish.

Insert excitement comment here

Well well well… you thought we gave up? Ofcourse not! Don’t be silly! We have been working hard (on both AutomationHub TV and the website) to get this all going. So close actually, that we are close to finally releasing a closed betatest! If all goes well, and the testers don’t give us a shitload of work, we can launch the website within 2 weeks from now! Exciting huh?!

What is there more to say… Basically it all comes down to the last bits and you can actively participate on the website to get your companies up and running.
The next planned step will be adding downloads and finetuning the company catalog with some extra stuff to make it even more enjoyable and exciting.
We are even looking into maybe just putting up a rankinglist with top 100 best ranked companies, engines and cars so you can compete in that!

We will announce the launch here on the forums, but if you are looking to become one of the first to be registered, make sure you check us out on and like our page! Also, on AutomationHub TV we will keep you notified during the streams on our progress, so make sure you watch and listen to them too! Make sure you subscribe to our Twitch:

As a last note, I just wanted to say that when the site launches, we have a nice little suprise! So try to be there when we do!

The AutomationHub Team

Excitement levels are high. Very high.

Eager intensify.

I wanna sign-up NOW… move your asses!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

[size=150]We started betatesting!!![/size]

So far we had the testers find 21 bugs. Half of them already have been fixed, the other half isn’t too hard to do.
We expect a couple of new bugs to be found in the next few days. After that its just fixing those and then optimizing the website for public access.
At this rate, we estimate that the two weeks release date we planned in our previous post, is do-able! Though, that still is if nothing big happens.

For the future, the next things we will do is finetune the current ‘Create a Company’ thing and then focus on implementing downloads onto the website, so there is a nice platform for all you Automationists to easily upload or find and download your downloads all in one spot.

We will keep you updated! So stay tuned!

Jolly good!

Looking forward to seeing how it will work and look. :slight_smile: