AutomationHub - For all your Automation needs!

Decided to donate again in my excitement for this website :stuck_out_tongue:.

Thanks alot! Much appreciated!

The site looks amazing! I can’t believe how much progress has been made!

I’ll post the update on this last page too, because people tend to click the last page first…

  • 17th of June - After a more quite period because we were quite busy with school and work, we finally picked up some work again, and how! We have updated the company catalog with sortable buttons from A-Z, Z-A, highest rating to lowest rating, and various others. This way you can easily sort according to what you are looking for! There is also a searchbox, which will allow you to search for companies with a certain name. Check the screenshots right under this update. While I’ve been working on designing the Downloads page, my companion is working on getting the Carcompany profile page ready for adding your own engines and models. Basically it’s functioning already, but it needs to be clear and bugfree so everything will work out just right. Stay tuned for more updates on this the next couple of days.

Carcompany Catalog

Downloads Page

Breathing intensifies

UPDATE 4th of August: Updated in main post, but to make it easy, here is the copy/paste for you guys:

It took a bit for me to update you guys, since I personally was busy with my graduation and the programmer had to get his final tests for his year in college too. After that we took a small break and started working again. We are pretty much polishing up the carcompany profile page and everything related to that, to make it as user-friendly and bugfree as possible for the first Alpha release to be tested by several people. I already have my list of people I’m going to ask to test it, so you don’t need to sign up for it, sorry. Maybe later on we will announce a public test, but for now it will stay closed. After the test, we have to work out setting everything up for public release and do some bug fixing found during testing. Then we need to still arrange things to stay public and get everything to work when there is, lets say, 40 people at the same time on the website. Also, we need to take care on contributors and donations that they get what they contribute for. We ask you to not get on your toes if this takes a day or two to get done after you donated. We are still working on an automated system to take care of this. Make sure you give your username WHEN you decide to donate some money. That would definetly make it clear for us what username needs to be upgraded. Anyway, for now it’s working hard and staying up late, trying to get this thing ready for testing. Its slowly time for you guys to get coffee or energy drinks and some popcorn to enjoy creating your company or view other peoples company. SLOWLY, I said :wink:

This is exciting. :smiley:


Another update! Read OP or right here:

  • 11th of August - We’ve been working hard (several almost all-nighters) and have the website close to being beta tested. We still have to polish some things now and add some more stuff to increase usability. Here’s a short list of what we still need to do before we can test it ourselves and then get it ready for betatesting:
  • Optimalized layout for the car/engine page
  • Banners and buttons instead of just text links
  • Adding Engine type to engine uploads (V8(CP and FP), I4/6 for now)
  • Optimalize public car and engine showroom with sortable tags to sort them alphabetically, date created, rating and several other

On another note, we now have Awards/Medals working as a sort of achievement system. Also the rating system works correct. Several exclusive guides (both PDF and video) by contributors Pleb, SamSheepDog, Jakgoe and me are on the website waiting for you to see! We hope to be able to finish it soon and release it to the public. According to what the betatest might bring up, this can be either fast or slow. So stay tuned!

Amen :laughing: I guess this needs to be said every time.

Is the site down now? I can only access a black donation page.

It was never up to begin with :wink: . The website is still undergoing construction, but is nearing the release. Wizzy will post more updates as work is completed.

I see… I thought I remembered looking around an older version of the site. Maybe it was just screenshots.

Enjoy the pizza. :slight_smile:

Thanks RAHayes!
We’ve gotten your donation and we greatly appreciate it!

@WildKarrde: Yes, that page is our landingpage, as the website is still not live yet. Though, any donations will help us, as we can invest more money into the project thus increasing and progressing it at a greater speed.

Sadly, I can’t even afford to buy myself a pizza most days, lol.

Yeah dont worry! We like to have donations but not at the cost of anything!
We have some assignments from paying customers waiting with a deadline on friday. So the weekend has been planned to start slapping the rear-end of AutomationHub and work our ass off again!

Hey everyone. It seems like we didnt really make early August, did we? :stuck_out_tongue: Both the Schnitzell and me have been busy. Besides that, I have been seriously ill the past week. Not one, but two virusses decided to keep me in bed. almost 40 degrees fever (quite dangerous, 41 might become lethal) for 5 days straight. Anyway, Schnitzell also worked on another project for a customer of him that should end today. He will take the weekend off and after that we will continue finishing up the last tasks and commence a testrun.

Glad to know that you are fine now and good luck with the project!

Actually Im not fine. Still on antibiotics and not feeling well coughing my ass off every 5 minutes and still a slight fever. I was even going on a trip this weekend which I had to cancel and that really saddens me as I had really looked forward to it.