AutomationHub - For all your Automation needs!

We’re back! The site is up again and ready for any car company updates you had to postpone! Have fun!

[quote=“NexxusDrako”]I know it’s not much, but I just donated €0.67, which is about $1.05 here in Australia. It’s not much, but I suppose AutomationHub could use it more than me, if it’s just sitting in my Prepaid Visa, it was pretty much the whole contents of said Visa.

Not just that, but I wanted to help this project get kicked off a bit more, it’s a brilliant idea! :smiley:[/quote]

Looking at the above, is that 0.67 inside the database of contributions? I want to get that contributor’s badge, but I want to know if this donation counts. :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you donate this prior to the site going live? If so, could you send me your real name and address through a private message so I can check the file containing all donations and see if you are among them?

I just registered on AutomationHub but I can’t sign in, the Sign In button lights up when I mouse-over it, but clicking it doesn’t do anything (same with Report a Bug, and everything in the download section).

A bit more information would be welcome next time. We just found out ourselves the problem seems te happen with Internet Explorer only for the Sign In button. We are working on a fix for that as we speak. As for the downloads, those are not yet implemented. The Report a Bug button should use your standard mailing client to send an email to us.

Hope we informed you well on this. If there is anything else or you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

EDIT: Sign-in should work now.

Are you aware of any issues with not being able to scroll when viewed on a phone? For example on the company catalog, I can only see the top 8 companies and the grey border of the companies underneath. I can’t scroll to see the rest. Same with a company profile, I cant scroll to the history or see the models.

Also when I sign in and tick remember me, it doesn’t, even with cookies enabled. This is on my phone and on computer using firefox

[quote=“utopian201”]Are you aware of any issues with not being able to scroll when viewed on a phone? For example on the company catalog, I can only see the top 8 companies and the grey border of the companies underneath. I can’t scroll to see the rest. Same with a company profile, I cant scroll to the history or see the models.

Also when I sign in and tick remember me, it doesn’t, even with cookies enabled. This is on my phone and on computer using firefox[/quote]

The exact same thing is happening to me, using Chrome on pc and IE on my phone, Why?

EDIT: Sign-in should work now.[/quote]

It is working for me now, I am using Chrome not IE though.

The website is not supposed to be mobile friendly, but somehow in someways happens to be because of responsiveness we already implemented.
I have a WIndows Phone with internet explorer and don’t experience any problems. What phone do you use and what browser is on it?

For the future, we are looking to make an app to quickly scroll through companies and rate them. You wll probably never upload anything from your phone anyway, or download, for that matter.
If you could provide more details and information on your device and such, we can look into it.

As for the remember me, there was an issue indeed, over a week ago. But that works perfectly fine now. As I said, we need more information.

When I log in on my computer (Windows 8.1, Firefox 33.1.1, cookies and javascript enabled), a textless popup box appears. I’ve tried it just then, closed the tab and opened it again, it seems to remember me, maybe the remember me only lasts a few hours.
As for mobile use, I’m using a Nokia Lumia 800 with IE.

The remember me should work. We’ve tried on all three browsers and they seem to work jus fine.
As for the mobile, it also works. I’ve got a Lumia 520 with IE and it works perfectly fine on there too…

This might require some deeper digging for the remember me part then… As for the mobile version, we are not trying to have it mobile-friendly at this point as I said we will create an app in a later stage for Android/iOS/Windows Phone

We have now implemented a ranking page with a top 100 of companies, engines and cars.
Later when Car Families are implemented into the game, we will also add them to AutomationHub and have them on the ranking page as well. Get voting!

We are making progress! You can now share your company to facebook! If you want to show your amazing company or just get more ratings, share it! Or maybe you appreciate someone else their work? Share it! Look for the share button on every profile!

We decided to step on it! We now have a new homepage layout and newspage layout. A bit more in the style of the whole website and a better overview of all the news items.
Check them out!

We’ve encountered a slight issue in our databases. We have to put in a back up that is 2 days old (2nd of February) This means all cars added after the 2nd of February will be deleted.
We are sorry for any inconvenience, but it is either this, or every single car has to be reset and with it everyone having to re add everything. So logically, we choose for only a couple people having to redo their work.

Yet again, our dearest apologies.


Heads up! Besides rating a company, car or engine, you can now also leave a comment! Also, users will get to see who rated what by pressing the ‘Show Ratings’ button.
Enjoy and tell others what you think about their companies or creations!

Check it our yourself:

Nothing happens when I click add comment or show ratings…

I don’t see how you end up with this problem? It works perfectly fine here, and for several others that tried it for us before we announced it.
Could you please tell me every step you do when you say something is not working? It is near to impossible for us to find the issue when for some it does work and for (only one right now) it doesn’t without any further information.

First of all: Did you Ctrl+F5 to hard refresh? This solves most cases

ah yea it works now after a ctrl-f5

The problem is we let people use the website while we still develop it. If a new user comes by, they don’t face these problems as they probably visit the website for the first time.
Since the things we implement consist of javascript, they get stored in a javascript cache, and that only gets cleared when you clean your browser of cookies and history, or when for an individual website you CTRL + F5 the page so it gets a hard refresh, also clearing the javascript cache.

Besides all this, we have a server cache which we clear from time to time when implementing new things. Since we already did this, the problems occuring with these type of issues normally are client side (user side)