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Seems like a lot of change on the ranking page compared to last month!
For companies, we now have Holland Motor Company by Astraman in the lead, followed with just a tiny 0.05 difference by Baltazar Automoveis by Leonardo9613 and a slightly bigger gap to 3rd place by Pegasus Motors owned by Anthrax50552.

Don’t forget to also vote cars and engines, and check out their ranks on the ranking page:

May I suggest an amendment to the star rating system?

I just did some experimentation with the UI and I was able to drop Holland Motor Company by over 0.3 stars by simply changing vote straight from 5 to 1. Then I moved it back to 4, and then back to 5.

I think there needs to be a limit of one change per say… 72 hours? Of course, we should allow the first vote to be unrestricted and one change in case you click the wrong star. But after one edit, you should need to wait some time to stop rating manipulation.

I mean, if I have the power to drop a company from 1st to 4th and back to 2nd then 1st again within 5 minutes, something is wrong.

Have you considered this is all because there is so little votes? That company has only 9 votes, so yes, your vote counts for 1/9th of its value. Try it again when the company has 50+ votes, or in this case, try it with the 20+ votes Leonardo has with his Baltazar Automoveis. At this point, yes its very fragile, but with more votes comes more stability.

The problem remains that it has been at least a month, and the voting system is still unstable due to not many users voting.

Says the person who didnt validate his account and thus doesn’t vote himself :wink:
But I agree people should vote more, to be honest.

People wanted to not only vote, but also comment. Now there is a commenting system and still no one votes :wink:
If everyone could vote, that would be great though, but what do they gain for voting? At the moment nothing. We are looking to implement several things, like medals to both voting on others yourself as well as being top ranked, but that won’t be enough we reckon.
There should be some motivation to be on the top of the list, but what exactly, we still have to work out.

As we are a community driven website, we are open for any community input. This doesn’t mean everyting everyone says makes it into the website, but we will definetly consider it and see if it fits within the website.

I hesitate at this point.

If you’re looking to reward ‘quality content’, then I see the intent. But you can’t control people’s motives for scoring. Just take a look at a few of the company ratings (mine, for example), and work your way from there. It’s easy to see what kind of other motives there may or may not be that affect voting that have, at least as far as I can tell, nothing to do with content, but reflect plenty about the internal politics of the community. The big question is, exactly what do you want to reward, and what do you want to encourage?


I hesitate at this point.

If you’re looking to reward ‘quality content’, then I see the intent. But you can’t control people’s motives for scoring. Just take a look at a few of the company ratings (mine, for example), and work your way from there. It’s easy to see what kind of other motives there may or may not be that affect voting that have, at least as far as I can tell, nothing to do with content, but reflect plenty about the internal politics of the community. The big question is, exactly what do you want to reward, and what do you want to encourage?[/quote]

Good point. But to a certain extend, you can never escape from the fact that the more popular people attract more attention. This happens in many things, and in no way do we have an opportunity to implement this and yet still keep it from the most popular people being on top. Of course our first intention will always be promoting quality content, don’t worry about that.

No system’s perfect, but do you think perhaps the weightings of voting could be weighted with company activity or something? I think it makes more sense… oh wait, you’ve got a “last updated” tab on the company catalog. I just think it makes more sense to centrally feature the companies that are, you know, the most active when it comes to updating content, and then if people’s attention is drawn that way, they can vote and that’ll be the main mechanism for quality control.

Even that has its flaws, which don’t even make it near perfect. Take into account making such a weighing system will eat more vulnerable time we spend on the website and what for?
I think it still has to do with the select group of users currently using the site. When and if more people come after the Steam launch, we will probably see more votes by people who aren’t affected by community popularity at first anyway.

As I said, we need motivation to vote, or even your system with weighing the votes won’t even have its use being put to work if no one votes.

BTW, does the comment system even work? I tried commenting a few times, and nothing happened.

It should work, it worked before… let me double check everything.

It actually works, I commented on a company. Can you tell me exactly what you are doing? I don’t understand how you can have problems. The code also looks good, but I might have overlooked something.

When my Chrome window isn’t maximized, the post comment and show ratings buttons disappear.

Hmm… I cant seem to replicate this particular issue. I will put it down on the list.
If possible, could you tell me detailed exactly what you clicked and such? Would be good if we knew how to replicate it so we can fix it.

I went to someone’s car, typed a comment, and the buttons weren’t there, and they reappeared when I maximized the window … 5#comments
worked for me

as well as your first car pleb

The remember me function also still doesn’t work.

And what does this mean?
My car is rated 3.80 because of this

It actually works, I commented on a company. Can you tell me exactly what you are doing? I don’t understand how you can have problems. The code also looks good, but I might have overlooked something.[/quote]

I first click on “Write new comment”

Then I write my comment and click on “Post comment”

The car in question is … armodel/85
As you can see, my comment did not go through.

EDIT.: found the cause and PMd to Bart.

Kubby, I tried and it works for me… check the link again and you see my comment.
We will look further into this. Is it possible we can contact each other through skype and test it together with you to find the issue?

[quote=“Pleb”]The remember me function also still doesn’t work.

And what does this mean?
My car is rated 3.80 because of this[/quote]

Pleb, you either must be clearing all your cookies all the time then, or using stealthmode or something, because the remember me function works solid for us and 3 others we tested it with in 3 main browsers (IE,Firefox and Chrome). I reckon it must be something clientside and not on our side.

The anonymous is a rating given by someone, who later on deleted his or her account from the website. Because we delete the account, the name also gets lost and gets filled up with Anonymous.
But you are right that it should show stars (check your company ratings) Maybe its a leftover from when we were still developing (we didnt want to erase all ratings, of course) I will manually delete that rating with no stars.

The Remember Me function does not work for my FireFox browser either. FireFox remembers the password, but does not log in when visiting site. I have to manually log in each time whether I check or do not check the Remember Me checkbox.

It will Remember Me during the same session, but not if I close the browser. I am not using stealth settings (I do not accept 3rd party cookies) nor am I clearing browser history.