AutomationHub - For all your Automation needs!

Funny thing, it didn’t work for me for maybe two weeks, then after that, for some reason, it did and still is to this day. I use Google Chrome, and apart from the usual system updates, am not in the habit of clearing browsing data or cookies.

[quote=“WizzyThaMan”]The anonymous is a rating given by someone, who later on deleted his or her account from the website. Because we delete the account, the name also gets lost and gets filled up with Anonymous.
But you are right that it should show stars (check your company ratings) Maybe its a leftover from when we were still developing (we didnt want to erase all ratings, of course) I will manually delete that rating with no stars.[/quote]

Should a user delete their account in general, do you think their vote should also be cleared regardless?


Funny thing, it didn’t work for me for maybe two weeks, then after that, for some reason, it did and still is to this day. I use Google Chrome, and apart from the usual system updates, am not in the habit of clearing browsing data or cookies.[/quote]

Maybe try Ctrl + F5 again? We looked into this matter before and it behaved exactly like you described CobaltGirl. After fixing it,it now keeps you logged in, even after closing your browser. We do test our changes of course and they reported no issues. So its either an old cache you still have which can be renewed with CTRL+F5, or else it must be something else we are not aware of simply because we haven’t encountered any issues yet. If the problem still persists, please PM me so we can work on a solution.


[quote=“WizzyThaMan”]The anonymous is a rating given by someone, who later on deleted his or her account from the website. Because we delete the account, the name also gets lost and gets filled up with Anonymous.
But you are right that it should show stars (check your company ratings) Maybe its a leftover from when we were still developing (we didnt want to erase all ratings, of course) I will manually delete that rating with no stars.[/quote]

Should a user delete their account in general, do you think their vote should also be cleared regardless?[/quote]

To a certain extend you want to keep the votes, but I also agree it is not really necesarry. But let’s just keep them in for now and see how this works out :slight_smile:

Remember me function never works for automationhub website while i have an active login here and many other websites.

Exactly same for me. Facebook, LinkedIn, Automation forums, and the CobaltUniverse website I help manage all remember me just fine every time I open the browser, and automatically login for me. Automation Hub does not remember me, although like I said, the password is being stored by FireFox like it is supposed to do. I just have to manually click on “login” each time I open the browser window. Ctrl+F5 does not log me in either.


Exactly same for me. Facebook, LinkedIn, Automation forums, and the CobaltUniverse website I help manage all remember me just fine every time I open the browser, and automatically login for me. Automation Hub does not remember me, although like I said, the password is being stored by FireFox like it is supposed to do. I just have to manually click on “login” each time I open the browser window. Ctrl+F5 does not log me in either.[/quote]

Thanks all for the feedback. We will look into the matter what might cause the issue. Somehow it seems to work for some and not for others. Really weird.

On the latest version of Chrome, the function works fine.

Ok, so for the remember me function, we found out its an issue with the plugin we use for that, and which browser you use. Chrome doesn’t seem to have as many issues as the other browsers. We build a lot of custom things for AutomationHub, but this one we didn’t. They said they are working on it, though that’s been a while ago. We will look into adjusting the module and seeing if we can fix it ourselves, but at the moment it is not the highest priority. As for the commenting system, the issue should now be resolved. It was multiposting sometimes, or not allowing when a quotation was typed, while we had that code implemented already and working before, but editing something screwed that bit up. It’s now fixed though!

The next things we will be looking at is more userfriendliness, like making it able to upload your LUA instead of statistics images to get the car or engine stats in there.

As to clear things up for a lot of people thinking it’s an easy job to make a site like AutomationHub, it isn’t. While you can’t compare the process of making a site and a game, it kind of ends up being the same thing though. AutomationHub is a hobby project with a lot of custom made things, made especially to suit the game. This doesn’t just come around as a plugin or theme right off the internet. Compare that with the hobby part, unlike the devs, we do not have full-time work weeks to work on it as we are not trying to make a living out of it. It clearly is a work in progress and we decided to launch it while still developing it so you guys could already use it and benefit from it. Any misconception that we use the cash from the donations for our own expense, we don’t. We have an own bank account for AutomationHub which we use to pay for webhosting and any other expenses only for the benefit of the website. As also clearly said on the support page; We reinvest all the money into the AutomationHub project where needed. So we understand some people made be turned off by the bugs here and there, but whenever we have time at our hands, we try to improve the site as much as possible.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them here. If you have any suggestions on what can be improved, spill them here too. We tested things a numerous amount of time already and sometimes just overlook things that look easy and handy for us, but not for the average computer user. I will looking into making a web page where we keep track of the things to do and what we are currently building for the public to see.

Hey guys,

I think it’s time I brought something to your attention.

I am sad to say that I am no longer a part of AutomationHub. That means I will no longer stream from the channel, or produce any videos for the YouTube channel. I’m afraid I did leave on bad terms, but I won’t go into that here. I do still hope that AutomationHub can become what it has the potential to be - a place for all your Automation needs, and that it can help bring in a good fanbase for the game and all related to it.

I just thought you guys should know.


Shame, you spent so long on the website.

Hey Wizzy, Automation Hub’s logo and banner function doesn’t seem to be working anymore. Uploading a new image results in the page refreshing, but the logo staying the same.

Thank Pleb, we also wish you the best. It’s good that you follow your heart and when your heart is no longer with a project, then sometimes it’s best to turn your back to it.

@Microwave: Pleb didn’t work on the website. he was our main streamer on our Twitch channel.

@UltimateBMWFan: We haven’t changed anything… let us see where it goes wrong.

I think I’ve figured it out. I’m pretty sure the other images uploaded for both of my companies were png’s last time, but this time I had to convert the images to jpeg for them to upload. I swear I didn’t have to do that last time though…

That doesn’t seem to be the issue.
We had an update and after that update the auto-refresh seems to not work properly anymore. Try refreshing by pressing F5 yourself and you will see it works with both jpg and png.

Huh, really? Even if I refreshed manually with png’s before it didn’t work, and plus, the site automatically refreshed and loaded the new image when switching to jpeg, so I’m not sure that’s really the problem…

I tried it myself and seem to end up with a working system, so not sure what is happening there… What browser do you use? We will have to relook at it again then, I guess. Time at the moment is very scarce so sorry if this takes longer than expected.

Hello team AutomationHub!

I want to congratulate the progress and say that the site is very good.
And ask for help in validation of my AutomationHub account. Recently I changed my account email because the nokia e-mail accounts are disabled in March, and the AutomationHub say that my new email not match but they are the same.

PS: I can ask for help here? The AutomationHub support needs an activated account :confused:

Hello Breno,

You require your AutomationHub email to be the same as the one you used to buy Automation with. So, for example, if you used to buy and register the game with, then you also need to use that email with the validation progress.

But I have not bought the game. Is purchase necessary to validate?

Unfortunately, yes. Since we validate with the Automation developers database and see if someone has a legitimate version of the game, you need a bought version of the game.

Sorry for the late reply, I’m on Chrome. Double checked with PNG’s and didn’t work still, but not too urgent as JPEG works fine :slight_smile: