AutomationHub - For all your Automation needs!

Yeah its on our list of things to check. Unfortunately we haven’t had the time to work on the site yet.

I’ll buy it on steam. Is my steam account linked to the forum? or will develop a verification environment in AutomationHub like the ETS2 Multiplayer (sign in through Steam)?

We won’t develop something to sign in through Steam, no. But when you buy the game, that email address you use will be put in the Automation database if I am not mistaken. Then you can login to AutomationHub and validate.

Oh yes, now I understand! Perfect.
Thanks a lot. :smiley:

Should be possible to rate “0” something?
At the moment seems possible (someone vote my cars 0, even the Z5055!). I didn’t figure it out how yet.

Ahh yes… seems when we last time fixed something a little bug jumped in there and got by unnoticed.
It just counts as a 1-star rating. Seems to be pretty obvious, since I’ve looked at all the votes nautacx and Dirk309 did, and they all give 1 star votes to everyone, except to eachother.
Maybe its a german misconception, or they are trolling, since in German schools, the highest rating you can get for your tests is a 1 and not a 10 like in other countries :wink:

Of course we will try to fix this as soon as possible. I’ve also sent a message to both guys asking what’s going on and if they want to rethink their picks.
It is their choice however, if they want to play this way. The community could retaliate and rate everything only 1 star for them. At this point, we are not considering any actions, but if this kind of trolling continues, we might take steps against the trolls and delete all their votes.

Its a hard choice since they are free to choose what they want. It’s almost the same like denying someones opinion, really.

I’ve already retaliated… Znopresk legal office is on the way to sue them XD

Hello Guys, now i have the game in steam, but i can’t validate my AutomationHub account. I need help.

We expected this. Already have sent an email to zeussy about this matter a couple of days before the Steam launch. Though, still waiting for reply as the dev team is really busy with optimizing the game and getting rid of bugs. It takes a bit more time! Stay tuned.

There’s no way you change my email in Automation Hub Database to :question:
Do you can’t change?

We have now implemented a validation system if you bought the game with Steam!
So don’t hesitate and sign up on AutomationHub if you haven’t already!

Now works. Thanks for the support. :slight_smile:

If bought the game via the Automation page and then converted to a steam key do I validate using the steam method?

Yes. As soon as you converted to Steam, you need to use the Steam validation method.

I cannot log in… I press login and it brings me to the main page not logged in…

Did you validate already and are you sure your credentials are correct?

We now have draggable images implemented for when you upload a picture, so you can align it better.
No need for you to cut out your statistics anymore! Just align them properly like your do in facebook with your cover photo! :smiley:

Meanwhile, we will work on a LUA to PHP converter so you want even have to upload your pictures anymore, but just your LUA file to show your statistics. That requires some time to finish though.

Nice! Thanks for the update, Wizzy!

It might have been quiet around AutomationHub a bit, and there is a fair reason for that.
While we still support people who encounter some problems validating and such, the development of the website currently has been halted due to both the developers being extremely busy at the moment.
While AutomationHub is a hobby project, we do not plan to give up on it. As a matter of fact, we will continue developing it when these busy times are over. We reckon it would be fair to let everyone know. So don’t be sad! The website is still up for use and whenever you encounter some problems, just let us know! Priorities just shifted for last and upcoming month!

If you have any feedback or encounter any bugs, please do let us know! We want to make it as easy and fun as possible for everyone to use the website. Next high priority thing on our side is getting a LUA converter up so you no longer need to upload statistics pictures, but just your LUA file. Let us know what you think!

You could host it on github, then members here could help out with bug fixes?