AutomationHub - For all your Automation needs!

Hmm… I understand what you are saying, but the key thing that you have to understand is that we do not have tons of server space. It would be worthless if there were 1,000 models on the site, using all of the space, and only 400 were worth downloading. That means you could have 150% more useful downloads. If the site gets larger and can expand, hopefully the restrictions will be relaxed.

I agree with Jakgoe here, a server holding that much will be very expensive. I, for one, would feel that it would be good to put a banner ad on the bottom, for instance, as long as the ads are not too in your face. You need some way to make the site more self sufficient. A donation button should also be included.

It’d be very nice if you had a .lua parsing script on the site. You wouldn’t need the player/staff to fill in the stats for the engine/platform, whatever.

That’s a great idea! There is a tiny problem with that, as some players might edit the .lua files, and render the system useless. I, (not being a programmer), cannot see a way around this. I am sure that either you or the devs know a way to stop this from happening, and it would be much appreciated if you could tell us how.

Well, I don’t think you should assume others will cheat by editing the files. You could do some basic checks (like marking engines with ridiculous technology), but I think it could be user-report based.

Would be possible. I think the script only changes the variable numbers, so those can be read. But it would demand a script and I’m not sure how that will work.
But I think even if you cheat and change the numbers to numbers that are out of the normal restrictions, they still will show.
The engiens and such will need to be tested anyway, so they could test them and see if the stats are outside of normal game possibilities.
Definetly a good idea and I will write this down to implement later. You wouldnt really have to write in all the numerics though, just a screenshot of the stats will do :wink:

Exactly this. At first, we will need to maintain quality. We dont have unlimited webspace. Also, on websites like simtropolis, you do these things and still have a huge userbase. Actually the qualityrestriction, acts as a booster for people to create quality stuff to be put on the site. We will have to use our webspace efficiently.

We are lookign into getting some ads on the site, which arent “in your face” but are still there. The revenue that is made with these ads, will be put back into the site by buying extra webspace, or like another great idea I had and discussed with my companion, invest the money into dedicated Automation Multiplayer servers for people to play on.

I suppose having a check for technology would be something to implement. User-reporting is also a good idea. I am still slightly worried about people just changing the values of power, torque, economy, etc.

Of course user commenting will be enabled. Also, rating something as bad when its cheated is also a good way to not approve of the engine or model or so.
We know what the max and min for economy can be, so if anything is way off, it wouldnt be legit. Also, maybe with the calculations we can compare multiple numbers to eachother, like compression and mixture to get a certain economy for example. If its around the expected number, with a slight margin, it gets approved. But thats something the devs should do or someone else, but not us on the website.

I’m loving the idea. Congratulations!

I dont think people would get to far by doing this, is quite easy to detect, if they do it multiple times they get a nice toasty banhammer.

I know, but I am just slightly paranoid.

I sure we would have more than enough people to detect fraudlent engines and other sorts of file modding, its quite obvious when someone does it, nothing to be worried about.

It is all about trusting the community to: 1. Not change the files 2. Report all cases of file changing. While I trust most people who play this game (including you), there are bound to be exceptions.

Well, you base a tournament on players being fair and reporting results fairly. I’m sure you could base something less competitive on it.

Because instead of putting each engine to download, users do not share the specifications and each part used? Is better, does not occupy space on the server and each builds his engine. This helps users to better understand the game, and not have how to cheat.

PS: You can by a box for each piece. Piston: Cast, heavy Cast, Forged, etc… Cam Profile: 50, VLL: Yes or No, and value.

:laughing: riariariia my english is a trash!

If someone wants to modify his engine files, he probably wants to make them better. Better engines will be downloaded more often. More downloads mean more people having the chance to see that the engine is modified, so it will be reported very soon. I think that’s a totally self-regulating system.

Self-regulating only if the exposed “fraud” has severe consequences though and no exceptions are made.

Exactly. I think when having a rating system and you get an engine rated 1 star by 500 people, it is self explanatory. With comments to go with it, people can say, FAKE engine… Modified. or something like that. We could also say, that if you get reported 3 times for cheating, you will be excluded for uploading for the next month. if again another cheat upload is found, you will be excluded for 6 months. After that totally banned of course :stuck_out_tongue:

We will make rules later. But its good to get this kind of feedback. Exactly why this is here! :slight_smile:

True, but I know that most of the competitors are regulars on the forums , and are fair, smart, and trustworthy. The ones who aren’t are banned.

:open_mouth: The smartness… You have a great point, and combined with testers (and hopefully .lua checking scripts), there will not be many modified engines that are not reported.

[quote=“WizzyThaMan”]Exactly. I think when having a rating system and you get an engine rated 1 star by 500 people, it is self explanatory. With comments to go with it, people can say, FAKE engine… Modified. or something like that. We could also say, that if you get reported 3 times for cheating, you will be excluded for uploading for the next month. if again another cheat upload is found, you will be excluded for 6 months. After that totally banned of course :stuck_out_tongue:

We will make rules later. But its good to get this kind of feedback. Exactly why this is here! :slight_smile:[/quote]

In my opinion,
1 violation= “On AutomationHub, modifying .lua files, and then uploading them is a severe violation of the rules ← link word to rules, and if this happens again, disciplinary action will be taken.”
2 violations= Banned, 1 month + super-mean warning.
3 violations= Banned, lifetime.
But it’s your call, as you are the one who make the rules final.
Note: Banned means banned from uploading, not from browsing the site, or downloading. If there are forums, I don’t know if they should be banned from them as well.

[quote=“Breno”]Because instead of putting each engine to download, users do not share the specifications and each part used? Is better, does not occupy space on the server and each builds his engine. This helps users to better understand the game, and not have how to cheat.

PS: You can by a box for each piece. Piston: Cast, heavy Cast, Forged, etc… Cam Profile: 50, VLL: Yes or No, and value.[/quote]

So, you want users not to share the 3-7 meaningful specifications? You want them to share 25ish meaningless settings? It would work something like this. Open Automation, open AutomationHub, switch windows, remember bore, switch windows, write down bore, switch windows, remember stroke, switch windows, write down stroke, switch windows, repeat for every part of the engine… It would be easier to 1) Have a tester get the numbers that have a meaning, such as HP, MTBF, economy, etc… 2) Use a .lua parsing script.

Or do you not want them to upload engines at all, and just put the parts and slider settings? 1. The process above would have to be undertaken by both the uploader, and the person who wanted the engine. 2. .lua save files are relatively small, and can be stored in large numbers.

On an unrelated note, all of this feedback is great for the site, keep it coming!

Actually, looking at it this way is really complicated. As the focus of the site is a lot of users, files Lua makes it very easy and fast. But the engines of older versions are not incompatible with current versions? This would require constant updating, now imagine the automation hub with hundreds or thousands of engines.