AutomationHub - For all your Automation needs!

Breno, I understand your point, but there is really no problem with .lua files. They save so much time over manually entering the parts of the engine. Also, all engines from 1198 an on are forwards compatible, as the engine designer is feature locked. If we don’t have enough space, we will just remove the lowest rated engines.

And… if engines appear to be incompatible with the newer versions, we just erase the database.
For the full version of the game, the engines will probably always stay compatible. So when the full game is released, we wont have to erase the database.

Got it. Keep up the great work! It sure will be of great value for the automation community. :smiley:

[quote=“WizzyThaMan”]And… if engines appear to be incompatible with the newer versions, we just erase the database.
For the full version of the game, the engines will probably always stay compatible. So when the full game is released, we wont have to erase the database.[/quote]

I’m just only guessing and dunno the way you are going to manage the lua files but it could be that, while (or after) uploading a (lua) file, some values might be parsed and saved in DB. So you would have a quick way to check the version, etc.

Great idea Razyx! All of these ideas will really help out with the site.

Yes, the game version is actually saved in the .lua, so it’s relatively easy to check if it is compatible with current version.

Are these the correct values?

Size: Table: {1} “Capacity”]
Version: Table: {1} “GameVersion”]
Power in kW: Table: {21} “PeakPower”]
Torque in Nm: Table: {21} “torque”]
Cost: Table: {21} “MaterialCost”]
Man Hrs: Table: {21} “ManHours”]

[quote=“Jakgoe”]Are these the correct values?

Size: Table: {1} “Capacity”]
Version: Table: {1} “GameVersion”]
Power in kW: Table: {21} “PeakPower”]
Torque in Nm: Table: {21} “torque”]
Cost: Table: {21} “MaterialCost”]
Man Hrs: Table: {21} “ManHours”][/quote]

Yes, these are correct.
Also, table 21 gives you all of the stats (all in metric values). Sometimes they are marked differently, like Loudness being called “Noise”] here, and MTBF being in meters instead of kilometers. Table 32 gives you the tech year of the engine, and Table 36 gives you the quality settings for all 5 sections.

Good idea. I’ll have a word with my companion when he has some free time. We are both very busy people and try to get our time into this as much as possible. Though, first we should get the site working and then we will apply these ‘automated’ things. Until then, we have to do things by hand.

Keep up the good work!

Update: This weekend we hope to progress on the cardirectory. If everything goes well, it might be possible that we have the registering and creating a carcompany ready. Putting your models and engines on there won’t probably, but we will start on that too. We will keep you informed!

Apparantly, the post I made has been reset by migrating the server I think, so here I go again:

To start off, we ahve changed logo’s, pure for design reasons. We wanted it to be more ‘car-like’ and it should fit with the dark theme of the website. We really liked our old logo, but this one is nice too! Right now its purely photoshopped, but it will be redesigned to a better resolution later:

As for the ‘Cardirectory’ page, we have the Carcompanylisting ready and working. Just a few more tweaks. For the ‘Create your company’ page, we got that pretty much working too. This needs a bit more tweaking, but it works!
In case someone creates a company, and they do not ahve a banner or logo design yet, they can choose one of these two placeholder logo’s: and this one:

For the company banner, you can select this one in case you dont ahve one yourself:

Next big thing to do is to create the ‘Update your carcompany’ page, so people can upload pictures of their models and engines and also their stats.

Also, last but not least, we added a donate button on the website. No we are not greedy. But right now, its a voluntary project invested in with our own money. We try to keep on progressing the website. But if you like the idea, or want to make it easier for us to have extra space for content or provide extra functions, all donations are welcome. Note that the cash doesnt go into our pockets. All the money will be re-invested into the website and later, into a (or two, or three, or four!) dedicated Automation multiplayer servers for example! So if you would like to support us, feel free to donate. We are also looking into giving out titles, badges etc. on the website if you contribute or gain extra things, like you can upload max. 10 cars, if you contribute 1 dollar you can upload 20, if you contribute 2,50 you can get 50 etc. etc. But thats for the future!

First lets get this thing working so you can create and maintain your own companies!

WizzyThaMan in name of AutomationHub

I like the idea of titles and badges, but a limit of 10 seems a bit small. How about 15 or 20? I know there are some people who make a lot more cars than that, and I’m not sure that some people would be willing to pay more for that. Once someone has donated, that limit should indeed be raised. I think that you should start a poll along the players of Automation to find a fair limit. I am sure that they will be fair and honest, just as they were when the devs tried to set a fair game price.

So much news to say and yet you tend to pick out something that wont even happen for the next 6 months? :stuck_out_tongue:
Its far from decided, it was just an example to indicate what possibilities there were to make the site accessible for a lot of people without 100 people eating all the bandwidth and webspace.

Welcome to every day dev-life, where people rather talk about rotaries and diesels than the awesome features you just implemented. ; (


Welcome to every day dev-life, where people rather talk about rotaries and diesels than the awesome features you just implemented. ; ([/quote]

Win. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, waht does everyone think of the new logo? is it good, better than the other, or you dislike it?

To be honest, I like it better than the other one. Just watch out for Nissan’s lawyers! :smiley:

This one is so editted, that they cant claim rights. The font and the overall shape dont match.

If you guys need someone who hasn’t helped develop the website to beta test, I’m here! :wink:

I liked the autohub logo because this compact. But this refers to nissan. Why not use a badge of own game?

PS: I liked the pilot in the front of the car!