Being English and shopping in Spain

As many of you may know I live in Spain and I am British. That means that when I go shopping, I stumble across things that seem “rather amusing”

Special type of crackheads. Choco crakys!

This is a bread company. Appeals to thick blondes.

Didn’t know this was part of washing clothes!

I found Otis Spunkmeyer Muffins/Cookies quite amusing in America. Pretty nice though. :stuck_out_tongue:

There were a few other food brands, but I can’t remember them right now.

I’ve gone to Canada, and they sell milk in a bag. In. A. Bag. Not even a carton, or a jug, but a plastic bag.

Oh yes, I remember milk in a plastic bag being in Poland when I was like, 5?

There’s a toothpaste that is/was called Kukident in Germany, where Kuk translates into dick in Swedish… the implied contents: white paste? :stuck_out_tongue:

We have that one in Italy too! i’m also not sure if it’s cookie or dick flavoured… :mrgreen:

Bimbo exists in America too. I didn’t used to, at least not before a mass of immigration from Mexico where the brand is popular.

It’s still as amusing to this Yank as it to you, Cheeseman…

(one of the bright sides of mass immigration from Mexico? we get Mexican Coke products available to us, which uses real sugar instead of HFCS. Suddenly I’m in the 80’s again)

No problem with that whatsoever.

Oh, now I just need to see yogurt sold in a tin can and I can die happy. XD

I have lived in Canada my whole life and never once seen milk in a bag other then for places like McDonald’s where there is a nipple at the bottom of the bag for it to pour out of…

I remember when I went to the States I saw milk in a bag. This is the west coast.

And yes, I did go in supermarkets. I just had to experience Walmart :stuck_out_tongue:

And on behalf of America, I apologize for the denizens of Walmart…

I second this…

Chocolate crack and colon bleach… sounds like a good time :laughing: