[BUG] Can't create new Trims of a different year

  1. Quick note: No matter what year the car is, it always says 1955 in the upper left.

  2. As an example, I’ve been working on a new model of car, starting in 1940. I created a 1940 model and one trim nicely. Next, I was able to copy the trim, change the engine, and name it as a second trim. Where I ran into problems is when I tried to copy a trim, then change the year so I could make a 1942 trim. It currently seems to be impossible, unless I’m really missing something. I’m guessing this ties into the year always saying 1955 in the upper left. This is a really huge one for me. I seem to be able to create updated engine variants, so it’s limited to the chassis’.

Some other thoughts on this version (First Steam release. I don’t see a version number.):

  1. Another thing I noticed is that we need the copy feature for the engine family dropdown too. Currently if I want to change the head type, I have to recreate the engine from scratch, writing down the bore and stroke, etc.

  2. The game does CTD frequently when switching between trims or swapping engines. I’m sure you’re aware of this though. Not too huge a deal since I can continue after restarting the game.

  3. Several of the “?” buttons in the Engine Designer are off by one tab. Clicking on it in the Head tab brings up the Turbo tutorials. The Turbo tab brings up the Fuel tutorials. In the Fuel tab the “?” brings up the Exhaust tutorials. Pretty minor but wanted to make sure it was reported.

  4. There doesn’t seem to be a tutorial on Quality.

  5. Thank you for adding mouse wheel support to the Car and Engine menus! I suggest also adding it to the Tutorials menu.

  6. Looking forward to the addition of km/lt in the Options menu.

I really like the new features. It’s definitely a lot easier to tune the car now, especially things like Bottom Out, Brake Fade, Gearing, and Steering Behavior.

I can’t believe they put Phonographs in cars back in the day! I saw that and I was like, “Bumps might be a problem for a phonograph…” :slight_smile:

You can not make a new trim for 1942 on the PLATFORM of a 1940 car, you need to make a new 1942 PLATFORM.

That’s absurd. Why should I have to redecorate a car exactly the same way, doing all that work again, just so I can make use of the new year? It let’s us make engines that way, so it should let us make platforms that way. Besides, like I said, it displays “1955” as the year" whether it’s a 1940 platform or a 2015 platform, so clearly something is wrong.


That’s absurd. Why should I have to redecorate a car exactly the same way, doing all that work again, just so I can make use of the new year? It let’s us make engines that way, so it should let us make platforms that way. Besides, like I said, it displays “1955” as the year" whether it’s a 1940 platform or a 2015 platform, so clearly something is wrong.[/quote]

This is going to change, for some late issue bugs we had before release, it was easier to lock down the year to the Model.

Super glad to hear it zeussy! Thanks for the response. I was getting a bit concerned after Blaster’s reply.

And what about unblocking the fixtures when creating a new trim?

If i design a model with various trims, and remove some of the fixtures in one certain trim, the same fixtures will be removed from every trim of that model too…

Is there another way to change fixtures on one trim without affecting other trims?

I keep accidentally deleting my engines because I can’t put different years under the same engine family, and when I create another engine family with the same name, but with a different year, it deletes my other engine. :frowning: It took me a long time to figure out why I kept losing engines. So now I have to add some random character at the end of my engine family names to keep it from doing that. I’ll be super happy when the ability to have different years under the same engine family goes in!