BUG BEHAVIOR: All exports will have a high idle that cannot be fixed despite editing the engine jbeam to try to force it to idle lower. Jbeam will say the idleRPM is 500 RPM but the car idles at close to 1100 RPM that cannot be adjusted.
USER EXPERIENCE: Exported cars would be given a high idle at 1,130 RPM despite tweaking the engine in Automation to force it to idle lower, including adjusting the balance shaft weight, AFR, anything relating to fuel to get to idle lower, but it would be stuck at 1,130 RPM.
INTENDED BEHAVIOR: Exports should have an idle that’s matching the idleRPM in the engine jbeam that can be adjusted to match what the user desired - especially when jbeam editing to make it match a TDI with a 800 RPM idle if that’s what the user desired.