Bug when cloning cars

Hi Guys, just a heads up about a bug in cloning cars.

When cloning a model and trim (did this by mistake instead of just cloning a new trim) there is a new empty trim created on the original model. When you try to delete this it bugs out and deletes the entire model. Hope this helps and keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Thank you for bringing this up; we’ve been aware of this bug for some time, and are trying to ascertain the cause of it.

Much of why this has been so persistent is because this happens so intermittently, it’s hard to pin down a definite cause. The best thing you all can do is try to remember as best as you can what you were doing before the spurious trim was created, and post it.

And don’t delete it until you’ve exported your other trims, so they can be re-imported of course. :smile:

I was lucky we’d saved everything as we had to completely reinstall the whole computer a few days ago, only lost a few interior bits :slight_smile: