Campign scenarios

In some tycoon games you can choose prefabricated scenarios where you have a fixed starting point and your have a clear obejctive, (in this case would be to outsell a a particular company , buy a company or be a region leader)

I imagine one escenario being this: you start with the leftovers of a deceased company you have a few desings of bodies and engines that arent that great, and by making the right choices the player could end up making an automotive empire…

Or humilliate the current supercar and luxury car maker and claim for yourself the title of the company that makes the highest quality expensive cars…

I would assume that things like that would be done through Steam achievements.

if we have engine scenarios and cardesigner scenarios, we will definetly have some tycoon scenarios I think. Think about, restoring a company from losing money to become profitable again, or get 1 million car sales in 2 or 3 years or something like that.