Car body sharing forum

This is where you can share car bodies to use in the game. To start it off, I could use a body based off this car:

2004 Rover 75 Limousine.
I can’t find a 75 body in the Steam Workshop.

If you can’t find it, make it!

There is the tools and guides on how to make Automation mod bodies, years ago I felt the same way wanting to have the Jiotto Caspita body, so I learned how to and made it a reality :+1:


I don’t have Blender, and I just want something simple. Also, it sounds very excruciating, and I don’t have much free time.

I just thought someone else could make car bodies, and back and forth and such.

I only have weekends and I just hit up BeamNG usually. Maybe I’ll think about it.

Please use discord.

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^ Agreed, rather than starting multiple threads often just use the online chat rooms instead

I never really used discord.

Oh! I have been wondering for a long time how to make mods actually, thanks a lot for this!


The discord is a place to chat about the game and you can post about the game or something else, it’s a lot better than posting multiple threads on the forums each time a new idea comes to mind


BTW, I would try the 1988 Indicator body for a 75 I think.

the indicator body is pretty square, i think you could make it work with the 89’ Ice Cream body, wheelbases fit too