Car company statistics thing

here is where we post statistics of our car company using the template below:

car company name:
car company owner/founder:
region: (europe,america,etc.)
main factory location:
best selling model:
main model years(design type): (for example: 2001-2009)
HQ location(s):
main type of car(s): (family,sport,etc.)

use that^^^

here is mine:
car company name: Annex Motors
car company owner/founder: IIHS
region: sweden,russia,australia
main factory location: Stockholm,sweden
best selling model: geo tracker (station wagon)
main model years(design type): 1994-2007
HQ location(s): Goteborg sweden
main type of car(s): family

Seems kind of irrelevant for the forums if I’m honest. Maybe this should wait until the full game comes out, so people can see what their best selling model actually is, rather than deciding which is their best seller. Also, it seems pretty similar to Boyercam’s Car Company Directory thread.

I agree. Irrelevant at this point and most of thios stuff looks like Boyercams thread.

There will also be a page for this on AutomationHub, so we don’t need 3 pages confusing people.