Circuit Paul Ricard

I made a very basic version of the Paul Ricard HTTT. I used variant 1A(withouth chicane on the 1.8km long Mistral straight :smiley: ).
My background picture is with chicane but i don’t think that this is a problem at all.

I have a problem though: yesterday everything worked fine and the cars followed the path. Today i wanted to add all the bumps and cambers to the corners but before changing anything it suddenly didn’t work anymore. I tested a few other tracks(f.e. Grenn Hell) and i had no problem with this.
For my own track: i constantly get this error message

Here is the track file if you want to check if it works for you:
Paul Ricard HTTT (426 KB)

Hopefully you can help my so that i can release this track in a few day.
Greats Tom

That’s the same I get with my rallye tracks since B1355, in previous versions they worked fine. I guess we just wait for the next patch.

Good to know, thanks. But why is the Green Hell still working?

I don’t know. :slight_smile:

Oddly, the Bristol track I just made after B1355 worked. You sure there’s not something missing in your code?

The previously working tracks (some, not all of them) don’t work anymore.

I got the same area on my own test track. After some digging, I found out I was missing 1 entry on 1 dataset for a curve. I’d check that again. Of course, it doesn’t answer why previously working tracks no longer work.