Soon Ryan-san, soon. Patience like water and light that make crops grow in required.
Maybe there’s a mid-way solution.
Maybe we could still modify the shape regardless of the fixtures, but they would stay on that red patch so we clearly see we can’t let them be there anymore.
I mean, when it can’t be placed somewhere, it actually shows itself as a red 2d zone, right ? So what about making this red zone stay as placeholders when we shape the body ?
That still means we need to get everything to try and deform correctly after the body has been changed which is kinda nasty, I think we might just have to live with it the way it is.
I think the way it is now lives up to the expectation of giving players enough freedom in creativity. With more fixtures, bodies and other parts coming along nice, you will be able to make 1000-and-1 designs that don’t even look-a-like.